Showing Posts For Keith McManus.4208:

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Keith McManus.4208

Keith McManus.4208

it’s awful for me today, none of my accounts can play anywhere. and i have 3 accounts and 27 characters and i’m cycling through them all. helppppppppppppp!!!!! please

[EU] Raid training guild recruiting - [OKEN]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Keith McManus.4208

Keith McManus.4208

if i got your when correct i have a tempest with gear and any build available. unsure what food reqs are but can afford to buy or make anything. 1900 utc is 1400 eastern us i think, i’m available then. i don’t have discord but can download it, have a mic and stuff, my dying guild uses ts and my older one vent. i’m not opposed to failing in order to learn. my ingame name is Cassandra Mgmagnus and i play 5 hours or so most days, after reset and in my version of morning and afternoon (USA eastern time zone)

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Keith McManus.4208

Keith McManus.4208

i have no problem dropping one, is that helpful? I have done so)

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Keith McManus.4208

Keith McManus.4208

hello, i’m in na and need to learn low level fractals (nevermore phase 4). my main is an ele, but i’m flexible. i play 4 hours plus most days but my main guild collapsed and i now lack folks i know to play with. any help greatly appreciated. thanks …Keith

level 80 boost, on log out return to la?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Keith McManus.4208

Keith McManus.4208

I took the level 80 boost on a character. No matter where i go, if i log out and log the character back in i wind up in Lion’s Arch. Is this normal? And if so, why? I can get hero points so the transform is permanent, but using the character is not optimal if I have to waypoint every time I log back in.

3rd NA All-Star Karaoke Tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Keith McManus.4208

Keith McManus.4208

would an epic version of get dancin’ by disco tex and the s*xolettes, guarantee victory? (it’s a real song, look it up) i have no idea if an instrumental track exists though. maybe root boy slim’s boogie ‘til ya puke? or else i’m a little teapot. have fun, but that’s generally dinnertime and i’m the cook

My personal story was reset

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Keith McManus.4208

Keith McManus.4208

The same thing happened to me. I know that doesn’t help you, but it’s not a unique issue.