Showing Posts For Kencussion.9273:

Last fight Eye of Janthir

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kencussion.9273


Update: Logged in last night and was able to complete it without the bug. Not sure if other people are still having issues.

Last fight Eye of Janthir

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kencussion.9273


Had this problem too:

I soloed this battle for an hour and a half trying to figure it out on my own… eventually I got so frustrated, I decided to look online for help. When I read that I was suppose to break the Eye of Janthir’s breakbar and that it never had one in my instance due to this bug, I was furious… this stupid bug caused me to waste 90 minutes of my time!

I’ll try again tonight, but PLEASE fix this! I’d hate for other players to go through the same frustration!

Bloodstone Visage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kencussion.9273


I’d like it fixed. But there’s also some other things about it that needs fixing…

- It can sometimes show up in 1st-Person view
- It’s not visible in the Character Selection screen

Change class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kencussion.9273


I would love to have the ability to change classes and only keep track of one character. I liked how you could do that in FFXIV. You still have to level up each class separately – forcing people to learn how to play each class well. But given enough time, people could have a character with all their classes at level 80. Then they could make a new character (different race perhaps) and do the same thing.

Programming GW2 to do something similar would require completely changing the leveling system (XP goes towards your CLASS level rather than your CHARACTER level) and adding a system to keep track of your XP/levels for each class. I’m pretty sure it would take a LOT of work to do.

Suggestion: Stacking items in Guild Bank

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kencussion.9273


@Nike, you have a good point and I can see why it wouldn’t be a “quick fix”. However, disabling the guild bank stacking entirely is a “quick and easy” way of dealing with the stacking issue because of simultaneous instructions. After all, there are other games (like World of Warcraft) that allow stacking in the guild bank. It may take a LOT of work, but it IS possible to do.

Suggestion: Stacking items in Guild Bank

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kencussion.9273


Since a few things are being implemented/changed for guild management… would it be possible to implement a way to stack items in the guild bank?

Currently, in order to stack items in the guild bank – a player must remove the item(s) from the guild bank, then stack the items, then place them back into the guild bank… which gets kind of annoying.

It would be nice to stack items easily like players are able to do with their personal bank.

Am I the only one who likes this patch?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Kencussion.9273


I for one like the new content. We finally get some very difficult events that take well-coordinated strategies to accomplish. :-)

Emissary of the Mad King

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kencussion.9273


After the patch, I checked my Special Events achievements and there it was! “Emissary of the Mad King” is completed and I have the title! Thanks ArenaNet!

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kencussion.9273


The Clock Tower was amazing. Don’t apologize. It was very challenging, which made beating it a reward in itself. It gave me a good sense of accomplishment when I finally finished it!

This is how I feel about all the people complaining about it…

Emissary of the Mad King

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kencussion.9273


I may have completed the achievements before the extra tiers were added… could that be the reason I’m not getting the achievement?

- Emissary of the Mad King – Halloween Achievements: 4 (not completed)
- Halloween Huntin’ (6 of 6 Tiers completed)
- Halloween Events Completed (5 of 5 Tiers completed)
- It’s a Mad King’s World (Tier 1 of 1 completed)
- Attend the Party (Tier 1 of 1 completed)
- Trick or Treat bags opened (Tier 5 of 5 completed)
- Pumpkin Carving (Tier 4 of 4 completed)
- Mad King’s Clock Tower (Tier 1 of 1 completed)

Here’s how/when I completed them…
Act 1 – began carving, hunting, and ToT bags (didn’t complete anything)
Act 2 – Finished carving, hunting, ToT bags, Clock Tower, and Halloween Events (basically completed everything I could up to this point)
Act 3 – Finished “It’s a Mad King’s World” after doing Mad King Dungeon
Act 4 – Finished “Attend the Party”

(edited by Kencussion.9273)

Not getting the Halloween Title

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kencussion.9273


I’m getting the same thing. I tried restarting the client, leaving Lion’s Arch and re-entering, waiting to get out of the overflow… nothing seems to work. I submitted a bug in-game.