Showing Posts For Kenny.2530:
My main is a mesmer, I lost two 1v1 since release against two very good backstab/stealth thieves. I really would like to have duels, well across server duels in this game because I bet I would roflstomp most of those people that brag that they can beat mesmers because they played the class. Imo its just random internet bragging or you faced only low skill mesmers.
You win the fight if you know whos the real mesmer: Not true good mesmers always asume that you know the real one.
You will win the fight if you kill the phantasms, well my shatter and conditions do enough damage to kill you while my phantasms still hit like a truck.
You need to los to avoid damage, ok granted thats a good strategy but it allows the mesmer to reset the fight and send some phantasms after you around the corner.
I had 10 min fights in WvW against good bunker guardians but in the end they died, I had fights against very good death blossom thieves, but in the end null field + phantasm that hit at the milisec they unstealth wins the fight.
I bet if you challenge any good mesmer in 1v1 you will lose 99% of the matches.
This is not a post about balance, its about people that think its easy to win against a mesmer in 1v1.
Do you know what people do if im (for example) on treb duty in tPvP?
They send another mesmer to fight me, a guardian to stall or 2 people to kill me. I dont even think that im a really super awesome skilled mesmer but thats just how it is. People that think you can kill a mesmer by just finding the real one or knowing the class mechanics dont have a clue, sorry but from my experience its just like that.
Bulblax whatever, gw2 guru most people said mesmer was the best 1 v 1 class, you can blink and it removes the target. You guys have no reason to cry and are considered the best duelist class in the game by a majority. You need nothing else what can a mesmer not do?
^^^^^^^ Nice to see honest mesmer players
Dont expect people who main mesmers like Kalar to agree.