Showing Posts For Keripo.6842:

Henge of Denravi get ready Blackgate is going to recalaim it's #1 spot

in WvW

Posted by: Keripo.6842


lolz. No.

Not yet at least. Good spirit though, we’ll get there one day ; )

Edit: For those missing the point, its a joke for fun, don’t take things so seriously.

~Valkyrja Flame [RQ]

Guilds transfer from Blackgate to Dragonbrand for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Keripo.6842


guilds run WvW on BG like it is a dictatorship.

we all know Choco lead hundreds to their deaths….we also know that as soon as all those people died Choco logged off.

When Blackgate called in for Europe’s support and Europe sent in forces to Blackgate that we havent seen since WW2

when the largest FA guild jumped ship and spit in my face by joining the evil empire Blackgate

I did it so that I could type a post about my experiences on Kaineng and hopefully convince some people to transfer there.

I love stories! Here’s mine:

I went home one day and made a peanut butter sandwich with jelly on top. It was delicious. It was so delicious that I want to make a thread about it and share my personal experience with everyone such that all the other servers would find out how great a peanut butter and jelly sandwich Blackgate can make. Turned out that others disagreed and made fun of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich, so I went back into the kitchen to cut some onions. The end.

~Valkyrja Flame [RQ]

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Keripo.6842


This guy. Too good. Hats off.
Watch out for the Kaineng Revolution!

~Valkyrja Flame [RQ]

Guilds transfer from Blackgate to Dragonbrand for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Keripo.6842


Hi Kaine,

It is a shame you have decided to leave our server. We on Blackgate are always seeking a challenge. So while we apologize that we could not provide the support you needed as an excelling leader, we will wait in anticipation of seeing the results of your commandeering on Dragonbrand, whose members seem to be accepting you with open arms and willing to follow. After hearing these tales of dominating success under your leadership, we look forward hearing of your similar success stories while on Dragonbrand.

Best of wishes,

~Valkyrja Flame [RQ]

(edited by Keripo.6842)

Guilds transfer from Blackgate to Dragonbrand for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Keripo.6842


My block list has been empty since launch and I’m pretty sure I clearly stated that there are no ranks in our alliance system…

At this point, I’m pretty sure the posters in this thread are either just having fun trolling or have already jumped ships and are trying to dirty-propaganda up these forums. Back to work for me, no point feeding the trolls.

~Valkyrja Flame [RQ]

Did you see the thread about one of your members taking supply from keeps? Not sure if that thread was here or on GW2Guru.

Yes, we’ll ask him about it (I’m not a guild officer or anything, but this is something pretty basic we’d expect all our members to know). There’s always the odd member who auto-pilots and forgets or just isn’t aware. I personally have been away from the game since last Thursday so just catching up right now. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

~Valkyrja Flame [RQ]

Guilds transfer from Blackgate to Dragonbrand for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Keripo.6842


My block list has been empty since launch and I’m pretty sure I clearly stated that there are no ranks in our alliance system…

At this point, I’m pretty sure the posters in this thread are either just having fun trolling or have already jumped ships and are trying to dirty-propaganda up these forums. Back to work for me, no point feeding the trolls.

~Valkyrja Flame [RQ]

Guilds transfer from Blackgate to Dragonbrand for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Keripo.6842


What are the two wvw guilds you mentioned on Blackgate?

<Expletus> and <Overkill>

Hi, I am Valkyrja Flame of the Blackgate server. I am one of our night-time Commanders from the guild RageQuit Inc [RQ], which is an international guild. I have not been online this past half week due to some RL reasons (will be on tonight though), but we spearhead the Borderlands night-time presence since that is when most of us are back from work ([RQ]’s other Commander, The Champ, is also in the same timezone as me). The other large night-time guild with a presence on the Borderlands is [Urge], an Oceanic guild lead by Choco Eclair. I am not too familiar with Eternal Battlegrounds but [RQ] third Commander, Iifa, usually leads that, and I know the guild [BBB] has a huge presence there as well. There are numerous other sizable guilds with a strong WvW presence as well, which you can find a partial list at

Blackgate does have an organizational WvW council, called the Blackgate War Council. We also host a community Mumble (1000-slot) as well as new forums that just went up a few days ago. Our community website is at . Our council, while young and still in the process of brushing up and sorting itself out, operates similar to an open democracy. There is no intention of running any dictatorship-style operation, especially considering that we all recognize that Blackgate consists of multiple small guilds and the key to winning is working together and coordinating the WvW effort (preferrably over Mumble).

Back to the original post, as an active WvW Commander, I have never seen nor heard of either of those formentioned guilds, <Expletus> and <Overkill> (unless they suddenly appeared this matchup and strutted in demanding attention). I also do not see them on the alliance list at . While I cannot represent them due to that fact, I can apologize on behalf of the organized WvW guilds of Blackgate for your bad experience. When you are on a losing server, tensions often run high and it’s natural for players to digress into arguing over pointless things over map chat (name-calling, personal attacks, general trolling, etc.). If a Commander or other mature leadership figures aren’t online at that time to help sort things out, bad experiences like yours could happen. As our alliance slowly grows and gains more experience with things such as balancing out coverage, I believe this will become less of an issue. Personally, as an [RQ] Commander, I always openly listen to the voices of my fellow server members as I recognize that we are just a small part of the larger Beast, and to win, we must work together and coordinate.

There’s a saying, “when the going gets tough, the tough gets going”. We at Blackgate disagree with that statement. When we’re winning, we keep on pushing. When we’re losing, we still keep on pushing. As [ELITE]‘s leader from HoD server once described us, we are the server that just doesn’t give up. That is what earned us the nickname “Beastgate” and it is one characteristic that we will continue being known for.

~Valkyrja Flame [RQ]

(edited by Keripo.6842)

[Video] "Beastgate Borderlands" - Guild Wars 2 Blackgate WvW

in Community Creations

Posted by: Keripo.6842


“Beastgate Borderlands” – Guild Wars 2 Blackgate WvW

RageQuit Inc.:
Blackgate War Council:

“Beastgate Borderlands” – Guild Wars 2 WvW video.
Contains material from 2012-09-21 to 2012-09-22, Blackgate vs Yak’s Bend vs Gates of Madness
Recorded by [RQ] Valkyrja Flame of RageQuit Inc. lvl 80 staff elemental, hybrid build.
The edited song clip in the intro is from “Borderlands” by Mami Kawada. Background music info is shown at the end of the video. Usage of copyright audio content is for non-commercial purposes and permissible under Fair Use.

Various clips of WvW action on the Borderlands, from the perspective of the Blackgate server. As I was busy most of the time leading as one of the Commander and typing instructions to map chat, there aren’t many individual moments of note, so I just put together clips that demonstrated why we are known as “Beastgate”

“Beastgate Borderlands (Bonus Material)” – Guild Wars 2 Blackgate WvW

RageQuit Inc.:
Blackgate War Council:

“Beastgate Borderlands (Bonus Material)” – Guild Wars 2 WvW video.
Contains material from 2012-09-21 to 2012-09-22, Blackgate vs Yak’s Bend vs Gates of Madness
Recorded by [RQ] Valkyrja Flame of RageQuit Inc. lvl 80 staff elemental, hybrid build.
The edited song clip in the intro is from “Borderlands” by Mami Kawada. Short song clip after the intro is the first few seconds of “You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)” by Dead Record. Usage of copyright audio content is for non-commercial purposes and permissible under Fair Use.

These are various random clips of interest captured over the past two days. The video consists of the following:
Bonus Material #1: Video footage of an orb being fly hacked across the map to Gates of Madness’ keep. Silly hackers, it won’t help your server win, it’ll only unfairly tarnish your reputation ; /
Bonus Material #2: Some enemy players decided to put a treb and ballistas in the middle of nowhere. Not sure why they put it there, considering we owned both the supply camp and the keep (and the nearby enemy tower was low on supply). Quite amusing.
Bonus Material #3: We put a ballista in the field to splash-damage a treb placed at the edge of the Garrison. Someone noticed and attacked it, but didn’t manage to destroy it. Their attack, however, did somehow bug the ballista…
Bonus Material #4: Yak’s Bend zerged in through a trebb’ed NE wall of the Bay keep. We rushed to defend, only to discover that half their forces decided to run all the way to the S gate and try to melee down the Reinforced Gate for some reason. Thanks to them, we were able to defend the keep.
Bonus Material #5: The non-serious, just-for-fun Siege Golem assault. Happened cause I threw 5 Alpha Golem blueprints (from jumping puzzles) into the Mystic Forge and wanted to see an Omega Golem in action. Over the course of 1.5hrs, we built up 6 Siege Golems and massed them to attack the Bay keep. Unfortunately, by then the defenders had given up on the map, but it was still pretty fun.


~Valkyrja Flame [RQ]

(edited by Keripo.6842)