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Don't blame it on my computer

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KevinM.6583


My problem is that randomly my monitor will lose it’s connection. I have a dual monitor setup that this happens occasionally. I wouldn’t say frequently even, just occasionally. I’ll be playing and my monitors will blank out for a few seconds and come right back on just as if I went behind both of them and unplugged them quickly.

No TDR messages or driver recovery message
Nothing in Windows event log
Game doesn’t crash for me

Just a blank screen for a few seconds, definitely mimicking the monitors losing connection to the video card.

This only happens in GW2. I have over 30 other games installed that run flawlessly.

I’ve run furmark, 3dmark and prime95 for burn in. I’ve even run prime95 while playing GW2 even to test it.

i5 3570k @ stock
GTX 760 @ stock

This is frustrating and I think it’s a GW2/Driver combination issue…but who knows.

No video signal at random intervals

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KevinM.6583


After not playing for about 8 months I’m returning to this issue.

My monitor will lose signal for a quick second or 2 and return as if nothing ever happened.

i5 3570k
GTX 760 Stock Speeds
Running Nvidia R331 Driver

I have tons of games that I play constantly without any issue and that are far more graphically intensive than GW2 and have no issues with the monitors losing signal. It’s almost as if for a second GW2 produces a signal that is out of range for whatever reason.

I have a dual monitor setup and run in Windows Fullscreen at 1920×1080. This is a problem that didn’t really occur about a year ago for me, but I was running completely different hardware at that point as well.

I’m thinking it’s just a software/driver incompatibility at this point, but it’s still super frustrating.

Anyone find solutions or still dealing with this problem?

I feel I got wrongfully banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KevinM.6583


I too have just been banned. I’ve never sold or helped sell gold at all. If anything I’ve reported all the emails that got sent to me, even with coin attached and NEVER accepted the coin attached to the mailing.

I feel as if this banned is completely unwarranted and it saddens me. I was super excited to get going on the Halloween party in Tyria!

My Incident: 121024-000783

Thank you!

Aside from being "fun" there is no real goal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KevinM.6583


“Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.”

On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KevinM.6583


I’m glad the team is taking this seriously as it definitely takes away from the player experience. I have noticed more gold spamming emails in the past few days and have been reporting them as they come in.