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From the most interesting class to....

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kewlman.5689


I’m in the same boat as op. This is a huge problem for me in spvp. I’m trying to play some league games and I find out all the viable builds involve tempest. At this point, with all these talks of tempest being op, I really couldn’t care less what they do with it. Anet can nerf it to the ground if they think that’s fair. I just want to play the classic d/d to a similar effectiveness pre-hot.

Overload is just sooo boring

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kewlman.5689


Ele community is bizarre. Even being the best at everything isn’t good enough for the community.

The ele is only best as waterbot bunker healer at the moment, perhaps you can consider class canon meteors being “best at something”, but that is just because the PvE AI is really lacking and enemies stay in the red circle. I will give you this, the ele is good with fields and some cc.

For condi and spike damage, at both close range and long range other classes are better.

And here lies the problem

You acknowledge that Ele is in the meta, especially in a harsh and awful pvp meta it has somehow STILL found a way to get in there, and yet you STILL bash it. Other classes cant even come close and you still find a way to put Ele down in every single post single the Tempest reveal, and actually before that. I know you love Ele but you hurt this community far more than you help it

dunno about this guy, but this topic is about tempest being boring, not about it being underpowered

Thanks bro! With all these comments about balancing I thought ppl were reading another thread.

Overload is just sooo boring

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kewlman.5689


I’ve been using a tanky staff tempest build in WvW that relies a ton on overloads, and it’s a lot of fun. The playstyle is radically different from the glassy backline ele staff build I used to run, but it’s new and interesting and refreshing.

That said, I think even a cursory examination of tempest would reveal that it wasn’t intended to “elevate the ele playstyle” or “challenge our skill level”. By it’s very nature overloading means you aren’t attunement swapping as much, your APM is lower…it just is what it is. It’s a slower and more calculated ele play style. That doesn’t automatically make it any better or worse, just different. If you fell in love with ele for the high APM twitchy attunement swapping playstyle, you probably aren’t going to like tempest as much. That’s ok. You still have access to the base ele.

By nature all the elite specs change their core professions in a significant way that not everyone is going to jive with. But if the tempest and overloads were designed to offer a fresh way of playing ele that is fun in its own right, I think Anet was successful in that regard. It’s just not for everyone, and probably more fun in some game modes than others.

I’m glad you are enjoying the overloads in WvW since I have not been able to do the same. You are absolutely right that tempest is not for everybody. Some people like it, some people might never will and if people absolutely hate it they can play the classic ele since its still there. But, you see there lies the problem, can you still have fun playing the classic ele? And the answer is NO at least in spvp. The spvp meta has changed quite a lot after hot launch and the general consensus is that the elite specializations are significantly stronger than their classic counterparts. I have tried to play the old builds that I used the enjoy but currently they are simply no longer effective enough to compete with the new stuffs from the elite specializations. And with my fun largely based on how effective I can be in spvp games, I’m really not having any fun playing the classic ele. I know people are finding ways to enjoy tempest in pve and wvw and I’ll probably will too but I’m just a stubborn guy that want o play my ele in spvp and so far i have not found an enjoyable way to.

Overload is just sooo boring

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kewlman.5689


Since I started this threat I’ve been playing my other toons to see what the other elite specializations are all about. Now I’m more disappointed about tempest than ever. I just don’t think the devs put enough effort into designing tempest.

If you just look at dragonhunter’s virtues: the spear of justice is a pull, the wings of resolve is a leap and the shield of courage is a frontal projectile block. Each of them plays a role in the dragonhunter’s rotation and they synergize well with the other skills. Like you can use the spear to pull people to your traps if they are not going to step on them willingly or just use it to proc the dmg trait and apply burning for ur burning traits. Use the wings of resolve to heal allies or if you play aggressively use it as a gap closer.

These profession mechanisms, this is what you call good design. They are fun, intuitive and they feel impactful when you use them. Whenever I overload an attunement i just feel im not making an impact on anything around me. The animations are cool, I totally dig that, but everybody around me either allies or foes, they just keep doing whatever they were doing and I’m still chasing ppl around like a mental patient that just escaped the psych ward. Especially that air attunement, it gives me the worst feeling of them all. It makes me feel like a nuisance, like a giant wasp going around buzzing in everybody’s ear. It is an effective skill, don’t get me wrong, but what satisfaction can you get from downing someone with that thing? I know anet wants to fit eles into a pure support role and I have already accepted that, but nobody said u can’t have fun while supporting. Plus, they said it themselves, they want to go esport with gw2, how is dumbed down generic mechanisms like overload gonna appeal to any pro to main ele?

Overload is just sooo boring

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kewlman.5689


I’ve been playing my ele extensively in all game modes since hot launch and I have come to the conclusion that overloading is simply a very boring profession mechanic. It’s basically you being a moving area of effect for 4 seconds and a field at the end of the channel for 2 of the attunements. That’s it! You cant doing anything while you channel the overload other than the instant cast skills, anything else would just interrupt your overload. You can’t fit the overloads into any decent pvp rotation, it’s not a mobility skill, it’s not a burst, it’s not a cc and it offers no useful finishers (4 seconds channel for a blast finisher cmon!). Most of time, I simply find myself chasing down people during overload to either share boons or to dmg foes. It feels dumb, it doesn’t look graceful at all and it brings nothing new to this class. If the devs designed Overload with the intention of challenging our skill level or elevating our play style, they are sadly mistaken. I mean at this rate they might as well change the class name from elementalist to aoe king, cause that’s all we are getting just more aoes.

Engineer Bugs (Updated & Consolidated)

in Engineer

Posted by: Kewlman.5689


Med kit tool belt skill Bandage Self is not affected by Mechanized Deployment.

"Elite" Ele skills.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kewlman.5689


Anet, can we at least have Tornado modify our base stats like Plague does?
I mean the whole point of Tornado is to toss ppl around and to push ppl off cliffs. Why does Tornado give us extra power and precision?
We need toughness and vitality to survive the whole duration of Tornado while we have no access to our utility skills and vulnerable to all forms of dmg.
I don’t think anybody uses Tornado for dps since it only pulses every 3 seconds and TOSS PPL OUT OF MY AOE!!!
It doesn’t make any sense. Fix it plz!