Showing Posts For Khoda.3601:

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khoda.3601


It seems to me you are saying the only way you can ever have fun playing a game is if your character “progresses” but you are missing a lot of different types and definitions of “progression”. GW2 wants to keep everyone on a pretty much equal playing field, so it makes absolutely no since to have better gear and all that. Instead, progression is mostly visual and you can chase after any set you want regardless of if its the best. I think the problem is that you are defining progression to rigidly. Then comes in that its how we’ve all been taught to play mmo’s that once you hit level cap, you keep pushing up that gearscore or whatever, but not every game in existence has to play like that for it to feel fun or have progression. In GW2, a game so much about skill, a lot of the character “progression” comes from you getting better and better with your class.

Glad to see someone got what sort of respond I was after.
Youre right, becoming better at your class is a reward that can be overlooked, unlike gear it doesn’t get out dated and can be improved upon indefinitely.

So you were only willing to hear one kind of post? then you should not be posting on a public forum.

So many people here think they own the public forums, no I wasn’t only willing to hear one kind of response. I was more interested in the responses that are informative and original in their nature and helpful. (unlike yours)

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khoda.3601


It seems to me you are saying the only way you can ever have fun playing a game is if your character “progresses” but you are missing a lot of different types and definitions of “progression”. GW2 wants to keep everyone on a pretty much equal playing field, so it makes absolutely no since to have better gear and all that. Instead, progression is mostly visual and you can chase after any set you want regardless of if its the best. I think the problem is that you are defining progression to rigidly. Then comes in that its how we’ve all been taught to play mmo’s that once you hit level cap, you keep pushing up that gearscore or whatever, but not every game in existence has to play like that for it to feel fun or have progression. In GW2, a game so much about skill, a lot of the character “progression” comes from you getting better and better with your class.

Glad to see someone got what sort of respond I was after.
Youre right, becoming better at your class is a reward that can be overlooked, unlike gear it doesn’t get out dated and can be improved upon indefinitely.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khoda.3601


If you don’t like it, don’t play it. Stop filling the forums with your rants. If they’re going to improve the things you want improved, it’s not going to be within the lifetime of this thread.

Post your suggestions in the suggestions forum, in a constructive way, or don’t bother. The ranting and complaining is really getting old.

This is how I feel and this is the place to share that.
Move along if you don’t like the post, that’s not my problem.

You post is a clone of plenty of other posts, all posted by the same people who are sitting in this thread griping. We’ve all seen it a hundred times. It’s pointless, and it’s presented in the WRONG forum, the WRONG way.

And it IS my problem. I have to wade through the posts by the same whiny group of you idiots every time I come here.

Yeah clearly we are the whiny ones. (good one)
If you don’t like it stop coming back.

Next time try reading what I said instead of going into your default comeback mode.

Let me repeat what I said:
“it’s presented in the WRONG forum, the WRONG way.”

You could take your own advice and read my original post,
I wasnt winning, I was looking for suggestions and ways that other people are keeping busy when they reached 80.
Your fan boyish attitude kept you from seeing that though.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khoda.3601


If you don’t like it, don’t play it. Stop filling the forums with your rants. If they’re going to improve the things you want improved, it’s not going to be within the lifetime of this thread.

Post your suggestions in the suggestions forum, in a constructive way, or don’t bother. The ranting and complaining is really getting old.

This is how I feel and this is the place to share that.
Move along if you don’t like the post, that’s not my problem.

You post is a clone of plenty of other posts, all posted by the same people who are sitting in this thread griping. We’ve all seen it a hundred times. It’s pointless, and it’s presented in the WRONG forum, the WRONG way.

And it IS my problem. I have to wade through the posts by the same whiny group of you idiots every time I come here.

Yeah clearly we are the whiny ones. (good one)
If you don’t like it stop coming back.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khoda.3601


To me it sounds like the OP is not really playing the game but jsut whining to whine and stir the pot or has not done everything like he claims. he is not answering my question about explorer modes.

Are you referring to the outrageously difficult dungeons (due to no tank, healer concept, or any actual long duration CCs) that you run to die over and over again to finally down a boss to get nothing?
Yeah I tried that a few times.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khoda.3601


If you don’t like it, don’t play it. Stop filling the forums with your rants. If they’re going to improve the things you want improved, it’s not going to be within the lifetime of this thread.

Post your suggestions in the suggestions forum, in a constructive way, or don’t bother. The ranting and complaining is really getting old.

This is how I feel and this is the place to share that.
Move along if you don’t like the post, that’s not my problem.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khoda.3601


So I guess its my own fault for expecting anything other than going around in different zones and just trying to explore (with out a mount) and for no particular reason, maybe an achievement?
…not that the hype and all the advertisement had anything to do with it.

I’ll go play an alt for the sake of a different story line, where I got somewhat entertained while leveling my main.

That will be far from getting my money’s worth though. Oh well.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khoda.3601


I’ll come clean, I haven’t played guild wars 1 but from what I’ve read around here and on reddit, if I had it wouldn’t help with the problem I’m having.

Anyway I enjoyed the beautiful environments and learning different ways to utilize my engineer in different events but now that I’m 80 I feel like there was nothing along the way as I hit 80 that eased me into what I should be doing at 80.

Is there anything particular that I should be doing in order to gear up? And what happens when I do finally gear up?

To my knowledge: (remember this is why I’m posting here, correct me, hopefully I’m wrong.)

There are no events that require a well communicated group to have to work really well together to be able to succeed in. There is nothing that you must have a certain quality of gear to be able to accomplish. There is no inspect either so no showing off.

In WvW there are so many people, it’s so chaotic in combat that no one can really know how much they’re contributing and it wouldn’t make a difference anyway.

Anyway, I just don’t feel like there is any end game here at all. No structured end game. No motivation for the grind for a better gear.