Showing Posts For Kieran.2396:

Camera Angle Bug - Feet missing in Hero Panel

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kieran.2396


Hi, I have a few things to say on this matter. First I really hope enough people complain to get this fixed. I’m a rather anal guy when it comes to things like camera angles. I do hope as well this is some bug that will be fixed and is not some intended action based in some delusion that people like this new view. I mostly play Norn and I always choose the highest height on the slider. Gw1 was my first MMO and so I’ve always been loyal to the franchise. But this is one major deal breaker for me. Not being able to play my characters due to this has been horrid. I can work around abilities being broken, hearts not working. Even constant game crashes. But this for me is far far worse. Yes not being able to see my feet in the hero panel sucks. But that is not my major complaint. This new camera angle is by far one of the worst bugs I’ve seen in an mmo. So I really pray, hope, and downright beg for this to be reverted. And if that is somehow not possible. At least give us what we had in Gw1. The ability to slide our camera in and out to our very own personal zoom. For those who don’t know, you could hold down your scroll button on the mouse and move said mouse in or out as slowly as you like for your own personal desire.

Anyways, I hope that you guys agree to a point and Anet will listen. Gw2 is an amazing game that I very dearly love. And I will be downright sad to tbh, kittened, if I have to move on over a stupid camera angle bug. Anyways, have a wonderful day to all who read this and my apologies for this wall of text. Goodluck to you all and Anet in hopes to work this out. ^.^

Norn Female Camera Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kieran.2396


The camera for Norn Females has changed slightly and is zoomed in more than they originally were before the patch. Even in the hero panel, the camera is zoomed in not even showing the boots of your character. Could be the two are unrelated but regardless. From a good portion of people I have spoken to, every so far is experiencing said bug. Hopefully you guys can fix it quickly ^.^