Showing Posts For Kiiro Yakumo.2791:

We are temporarily shutting down servers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kiiro Yakumo.2791

Kiiro Yakumo.2791

Ah yes, this game gets more and more like WoW erry day…

4 years and this has never happened til now. how is this even remotely like wow? get the kitten outta here with that negativity

I second that, if one unexpected maintenance in over 1,5 years – or as Felahr says even 4 years – is becoming like WoW who has maintenance break every week if memory serves, or at least quite often then I think we can throw whole math to trash can…

I’ve suffered tremendous mental anguish over this as I was in mid glide, I humbly ask you remove asuras from the game and mail me some phat lewtz to compensate. Thanks for the update.

Don’t be fooled, ANet. Wiredrawn has always loved Asurans, and even confessed that he’s had a crush on Taimi since the moment he laid eyes on her.

1 like = 1 prayer

Unite him with his true love!

Then Taimi has more adorators now!
Asura is personally the best race for me


It’s good the game is back again, now we can try to figure out with calm what was the reason of that bug…
I bet Inquest <_<

“Everything has a place in the Eternal Alchemy” – Asura

We are temporarily shutting down servers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kiiro Yakumo.2791

Kiiro Yakumo.2791

I’ve suffered tremendous mental anguish over this as I was in mid glide, I humbly ask you remove asuras from the game and mail me some phat lewtz to compensate. Thanks for the update.

I would like to correct that to just kill Phlunt after Taimi will have enough fun from mocking him

Also it’s good the team have reacted quickly, hope we will be able to get back to the game soon
Take your time with the fix, I will send few PK-632Z Golems to help with it

Oh and maybe I will blame the whole bug on Councillor Haia if I will have some luck…

“Everything has a place in the Eternal Alchemy” – Asura

Guild Wars 2 Tabletop RPG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kiiro Yakumo.2791

Kiiro Yakumo.2791

For D&D I prefer the older versions. 3.5 was pretty solid and 4 was utter crap. Hopefully the new one will be better, but that still doesn’t make it fit GW.

D&D 5e seems so far to be better than 4e (not big surprise, other people did it).
You may also like the PathFinder while we are on it, it’s sometimes called D&D 3.75.
“and speaking of which” – Emperor
PathFinder has a lot of races to select from, some could maybe fit for those of Tyria with or without some changes here and there…and if not, there is always possibility of creating one (I’m writing Asura race for that system “as we speak”).

I’d probably use (in no specific order)

RIFTS or Palladium Fantasy

Ayup~ Pathfinder would fit just nice, a little change here and there, some books to add (turrets!) and stuff…

The simplest answer is: FATE supports almost anything.

I think someone mentioned that one to me. Might check it out~

GW2 deserves its own mechanics, but for “fast test” I guess EarthDawn could also be valid option (with of course some tinkering of adding races of Tyria, I was able to more or less add Asura and play as one on friends campaign, sort of).

“Everything has a place in the Eternal Alchemy” – Asura

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kiiro Yakumo.2791

Kiiro Yakumo.2791

I can confirm personally that the bug is gone (begone foul being!).
Thank you very much for fixing the problem <bows gently> and have a nice day.
Time to kill some more Sons of Svanir (because why not).

“Everything has a place in the Eternal Alchemy” – Asura

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kiiro Yakumo.2791

Kiiro Yakumo.2791

But finding what’s causing the trouble can give you a real headache

Oh~ The Painkiller pills I have used in my projects exactly of that stuff…

Complex software rarely can be fixed with simple solutions, I fear.

I start to fear the same and that’s where the Known World s…uhm…stinks! I blame Jormag for cheating his followers to god-mode! :P

The team was able to figure out what the problem is and there will be a fix “soon”.

Jormag, right? Okay jokes aside (or not jokes?), can we get info what was faulty? If that’s not secret of course

Now I think about it, if we would find some other place where another Norn is stuck in non-targetable mode it would give a hint that maybe indeed something in their “race” is broken, but now that the ArenaNet knows what was wrong, I guess that hide and seek fun is deprecated. (Deprecated, I love that word).

It’s great to hear that the bug is getting ironed soon, that gives me some inspiration to try ironing few bugs in my little projects too. Double Thank You

“Everything has a place in the Eternal Alchemy” – Asura

(edited by Kiiro Yakumo.2791)

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kiiro Yakumo.2791

Kiiro Yakumo.2791

You know, as much as programming and coding such big game is involved, it may be a bit difficult to find the bug and iron it (aka fix it). I myself know what from smaller projects I wrote, they were somewhat big in code (not as big as GW2 obviously) and some bugs are not fixed yet even tough I know more or less where they are located…

TL;DR; – this stuff may take a little while to find and fix.

“Everything has a place in the Eternal Alchemy” – Asura

"One Good Drink Deserves Another" - Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kiiro Yakumo.2791

Kiiro Yakumo.2791

Whatever is causing this issue seems to be affecting mostly Sons of Svanir, so whatever updates may have been done to tweak the Sons’ AI during the FOV update might be related to what people have been experiencing as of late.

Hmmm…interesting, it may be the lead to solving the case, maybe the bug exist not in the “quest” but in the NPC “race” itself?

“Everything has a place in the Eternal Alchemy” – Asura

[BUG]Shape of the spirit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kiiro Yakumo.2791

Kiiro Yakumo.2791

I will add some oil to the fire.
Rarely even the Son of Svanir that guards the minotaurs will either not come out from the inside of the prison (forgot better word for it), or will not go to the tent after receiving the beer which will make in total two “friendly” Sons of Svanir.
Tried even setting marks of necromancer on the way of the Son of Svanir that rushes to alarm the rest, tried to stay near him attacking him like crazy (with marks and “1” as well).
No luck, I can’t proceed with the quest no matter what.

“Everything has a place in the Eternal Alchemy” – Asura