(edited by Kiki.1875)
Showing Posts For Kiki.1875:
BumP still looking
We would need some DPS Builds and still a good Druid would be nice !
I dont understand it, in our team someone DC’d at the beginnig of the match he didnt come back – we loste the match (of course) – and we lost a pip.
I realy dont understand how that comes that we lost a pip for a match we cant even win.
And i am still not happy that we can’t report afk players, i realy think this system should be rethinked of and changed.
Couse sometimes its just unfair!
We are still looking for players :-)
Ohhh i am sorry we are EU
We are looking for some Players who have a knowledge about a bunker profession and we are looking for a Druid.
We are still looking for Members
The EU guild – Death is Victorious[DEAD] is a casual developing PVP guild with long veterans of the pvp realm and would like to move with the current PVP leagues System.
To develop we will need some members whom are able to learn and have a good starting experience i.e knowing there professions skills,
Utility’s and traits. We would require you to have a strong main class which all members should thrive and have fun to play with.
Our aim is to have a fun experience with the competitive edge of play means also the we require you to represent the guild if you play PvP.
Failing teams are not what this guild is about, to this end, working TS is essential — it prevents headless chicken movement and consequent team failure.
We also require you to have fun on the Game to laugh away if we loose sometimes what means that you’re not a flamer or/and a rager
If you feel that you can deliver and can work with this guild.
Feel free to contact ingame
Send me please an ingame Letter:
- Your experience
- Your Professions, add more if you play more then one
kind regards Kiki :-)
P.S You are also welcome on our Teamspeak if you want us to explain or have any other questions we will be happy to answer
(edited by Kiki.1875)
I really hope that they are going to fix that soon, i am a little bit annoyed about that story quest, ‘couse it happens to some of my chars that one step was bugged, and i had everytime to wait a long time untill they fixed that.
This time I was near on enraging ’cause i know how long some story fix could take.
I play gw2 since release i really I’ve thought that such problems will not happend again.