Showing Posts For KillerLilly.5830:

GW2 as it is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KillerLilly.5830


Even though some went off-topic and i don’t agree with them, some I do, i sure recognize their right to have a point of view. It just shouldn’t be on this post, but since it happens frequently on forums…
But let me sum all the grinding theory for dummies, scarcity of mats leads you to farm alot more to pursue your goals. NO ONE is farming low lvl mats unless they’re leveling, period. Other than this, only with a drawing. Mats nerfed = Scarcity = Less offer = more demand = prices raise = farm more.
For fun?
Although I admit some are having fun. And I’m not being sarcastic, there’s a group of players still having fun and those are…Casual players. They come and go to GW2. Who’s having fun after 10 months of, I admit awesome moments, and then repeating always the same stuff, and then afterwards seeing and most important REALIZING the game has becoming one of the most grinding oriented game and fostered by their dev’s? Having pretty much the same to do all over again and again is no ‘FUN’. Yes the SAME, because after all it isn’t that large the world map, name one event I don’t know plz. Or Vista or whatever you can’t find or know how to get it and I’ll show you the way, I repeat, anywhere around the world map. What, do you mean these new events they came up with? With more grinding content? Leading people to farm and buy chests like little crazy ants just to persue the chance of having a wonderful but an unlikely new Dragon’s skin’s? (yes coz im there and I see what ppl do and say concerning their search for aforementioned items)
And since im not quoting anyone i’d like to say as well that no one has to be excluded/banned like some extremist positions i’ve seen.
I don’t know why i should be or anyone else for that matter, in some point of view, banned, or why was that brought to discussion, or even..whatever. I’ve always believed in freedom of speech, what i don’t believe or even like to be honest, it’s people who deliberately like to undermine others views with, i repeat, ignorant statements. What I find myself unable to do is, to respect someone that doesn’t respect other’s. And like I said, I won’t even respond to fallacious arguments. I’m not disrespecting you, just saying your arguments are easily contradicted. From my point of view ofc.
Although without quoting I’ll reply to one particular, the greastest economy stability for the last 6 months, you said mate. Well i can’t say precisely if it was after or before that approx. 1200% increase on gems prices? Is it been 6 months already since the prices went sky high? If so you got that right, been stable for the last 6 months mate.
And let me say as well that having gems more expensive is pretty much the same as having them cheaper as they were. It’s like the grocery guy right next to me, he has beautiful apples on his bench, last week hád them at 0.60€ a kilo and every single day i bought 3kg, coz im a apple eater. Well, this week he has them at 7.2€ a kg and ofc despite i like them alot i won’t buy them on a daily basis won’t i? Perhaps weekly or monthly…which leads us to the conclusion that having stuff more expensive doesn’t make you earn more, the same or even less is more likely.


(edited by KillerLilly.5830)

GW2 as it is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KillerLilly.5830


Think i was misinterpreted or i wasn’t clear on my intention when i said or wanted to say that usual comments like ‘get out of here’, ’ leave the game’ or ’you’re dellusional’ or whatever from what i like to call a typical fanboy that presents no arguments besides those. will refrase it.

GW2 as it is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KillerLilly.5830


Hello everyone!
First of all i’d like to congratulate ArenaNet for this wonderful game that has last and gave me some fun for the last 10 months.
And their credit ends here.

One of the main reason’s why so many game out there were ruined was in fact due to their game community and mostly because Dev teams, eager to please and to maintain players. Games should be as it is, if you want to please Greek and Trojan’s the best you get it’s a community division and disband. Always earing people asking for this and that and whatever, makes no sense to shape the game into some wishes.

And then we have Ascended items. And if you ask me, of Ascended they have nothing, just compare stats of na Ascended to na Exotic one. Which means, after a few months and when that illusion i had about Ascended items was gone ( along time ago), and since a Legendary precursor it is practically equal to nothing, i got nothing left in this game. No evolution. And having a Legendary just because of their looks isn’t an evolution. The requirements for crafting one on this contexto is preposterous.

That leads me to something else i’d like to bring to discussion. When Anet says they do not wish to see people grinding, and although i see Anet claiming that’s the reason they nerf drops/events and so on so on, it is because they do not want to see people grinding… i cannot reach any other conclusion than they want us to grind. Even my son is capable of understanding something alike when i try to trick him!
By nerfing content, Anet is well aware that in order to people have anything at all will be obliged to grind, if before was impossible, when you have probabilities reduced, will be alot more.
Anet doesn’t wish us to grind but if you want an Ascended you have lots of options, but all mean to grind whether by grinding dailys, grinding Badges, grinding FotM or Guild Missions. Main thing is, you have to be in game to spend and give it visibility. The more time you’re in game, more needs you have.
And these events on a monthly basis are brought grinding to another level. Promisses of awesome rewards and reduced probabilities. All to make our greed shine.
No one is capable of doing anything or to be able to purchase anything by farming Pourous Bones. Or chests full of blues and greens. Champion’s, Veterans and such giving out nothing is very common. Reduced drops or none are very common. Junk is common.
So, if you don’t get drops what do you do? Continue to farm, in that illusion that it will be the next drop the one to compensate all your ‘losses’. But it will never come.

And then i see some posts on gw2 forums from game developers and some naive people saying that Anet is said on those posts they’re investigating IF there is in fact any drop downsized. Come on, are you serious? You want me to believe Anet doesn’t know what is happening on their game? Wake up.

How are people supposed to farm/craft/trade, if there isn’t mats available?

Which leads us to another question.

Game economy.
Completely ruined. Not for Anet ofc, but for players. Prices going high, gems prices going high, all du«e to speculation, and some tell me it is because players store their mats they farm. No, to start with, i believe there’s only a insignificant number of players who do so for a variety of reasons (Legendaries and such), but the main reason is without any doubt due to implemented nerfs and lack of mats.
Why is Anet unable to see players happy i ask? Why do they feel compeled to nerf everything they place to our disposal to start with?

Gems are another story ofc.
Besides other useless items on GemStore, what else is left? Space, inventory and bank space. Who doesn’t need inventory and bank space? How to expand? And the main question is, if i bought a game B2P, why shouldn’t i have lots of space? Don’t tell me i can buy gems out of in game gold, who has that kind of gold to buy gems at current prices? Only some. Which alternative do we have left? Buy gems with real Money. Why? Simply because you find yourself unable to farm in quantity and quality to produce enough gold to fullfil your needs. Oh, and then i see Anet warning players not to take advantage or miserable exploits, the one’s they shouldn’t take place, and ban players for their disability.

My guild had 420 players, we’ve already kicked 200 for not playing at all, and from those 200 still in some do not login for more than 3 months, which means, like it’s common to see people saying, they got tired of the game. Prognostics, only in the end Anet.

Regarding your complete detachment from reality and players dissatisfaction, only got one thing to say:


P.S. Anet, don’t take me too serious because i wont take you as well.
P.P.S. Plz do not reply with ignorant arguments.

(edited by KillerLilly.5830)

Guild Management Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: KillerLilly.5830


Hey there!

I have a few proposals concerning Guild Management. I think this would be a great asset for Guilds and to the game. And because it is all about Guilds. First of all let me explain why I came up with this idea.

On our Guild we reward players by taking in consideration their assiduity and participation in Guild events and so on. It would make things much simpler because to leaders it is hard to keep track on a Guild with for e.g. 400 members and to reward them in a fairly fashion.
I would like to propose the following changes in Guild management:

1 – In Guild Roster (Guild Window/Roster) besides the current available info (Name, Location, World, Profession, Level, Discip 1, Discip 2, Influence points), it would be nice if you could add for e.g.:

1.1 Last Logon (to keep track on our members assiduity) up to the longest possible for you;

1.2 Points (to allow Guild Leaders to add or retreive points to a member, considering his/her assiduity/lack of participation and Guild participation). I thought of a ‘given number’ starting from 0 followed by a 2 icons (+button)/(- button) that would allows us to add or retrieve (0 +/-). This feature would be assigned like the others, to a certain member/rank by the Guild leader.

1.3 This his the tricky part and im not sure how reasonable you guys think it is:
I was thinking of a ‘auto promotion system’, where we (only leaders) could set the amount of points needed to be promote. Would be directly affected by above mentioned point 1.2, and because Guilds have different rank names I thought of something similar to this:
Promote «fill with rank name» to «fill with rank name» when members reach «given number of guild points».

And it’d be needed one of these for each possible promotion, by this I mean for each different game rank icons, in order to promote members within all ranks automatically. For example in our guild we have the following ranking system, respecting current available icons in game:
Warmaster 1*
Tactician 2*
Recruiter 3*
Marksman 4*
Crusader 5*
Recruit 6*
Decommissioned 7*

Only filled lines would be active, and again this feature would be assigned by the leader/leaders to a given member/rank, so he could manage it.
I think this would be a great improvement in Guild’s features and it would certainly help Guild leaders to keep their houses clean, and if they’re willing to, to fairly promote and reward members, which will keep them motivated to play and participate in Guild events.

Much appreciated in advance for your time and attention, I’ll be looking forward for your feedback on the subject.

DarkestLilly [VgL]
The Order of Vigil

Free server change

in Suggestions

Posted by: KillerLilly.5830


The only reason that they aren’t free it’s to sink Money and make ppl grind, and to make ppl spend Money in gems, real and virtually. All the rest are falacious assumptions.

Ascende Items bought with Karma

in Suggestions

Posted by: KillerLilly.5830


@Coopziana, you don’t know what you’re saying, and you dont say what you know, and to make it clear and make yourself become aware that you’re a fanboy i’ll let you know the follow:
1. Certainly it’s not all about me since this is my second post in this forum and may i ask how many have you? Anything constructive or like this one? Are you telling me that multi posts, sometimes two in row from the same author it’s all about me?
2. Since you are so naive and a fanboy, i must say that no one told me to play 24/7. Btw has anyone told to live, to buy a car a house your watch or your cell phone? SO, if no one told you why do you have them? Why did you put so much effort to buy them? Couldn’t you live without them? Ofc you could, but would you want to?

So, -20 for your falacious and non sense reply.

P.S Of course they said they want me the most of my time in game, not in words but by making everything alot dificult to get, hello?

P.S.S. Am i incentivating Karma farm? It comes without effort…

Ascende Items bought with Karma

in Suggestions

Posted by: KillerLilly.5830


I don’t know about you guys, but i would like to see Ascended item sold by Karma vendors.
There’s currently the option to buy armor and weapons but i think that’s not enough or even motivating to farm Karma, and since it’s a currency it should be allowed to buy a wider variety of items.
I don’t think it’s reasonable to have huge amounts of Karma when with a couple hundred k you can get pretty much what you need.
And enough with that ‘we want you 24/7 ingame’ attitude. Enough with that Soulbound on Aquire, if i have a Character with which i spend more time in game than other, why shouldn’t i be allowed to purchase na item for another character in the same account?

Cya in game!
P.S. btw, i think it is a bit ridiculous the way people post in this fórum, spamming sugestion and some ridiculous, one right after the other and by doing so do not allow the real importante one’s to have visibility. shhhu spammers.

(edited by KillerLilly.5830)

Proposal - Guild Management Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: KillerLilly.5830


Hey there!

I have a few proposals concerning Guild Management. First of all let me explain why I came up with this idea.

On our Guild we reward players by taking in consideration their assiduity and participation in Guild events and so on. It would make things much simpler because to leaders it is hard to keep track on a Guild with for e.g. 400 members and to reward them in a fairly fashion.
I would like to propose the following changes in Guild management:

1 – In Guild Roster (Guild Window/Roster) besides the current available info (Name, Location, World, Profession, Level, Discip 1, Discip 2, Influence points), it would be nice if you could add for e.g.:

1.1 Last Logon (to keep track on our members assiduity) up to the longest possible for you;

1.2 Points (to allow Guild Leaders to add or retreive points to a member, considering his/her assiduity/lack of participation and Guild participation). I thought of a ‘given number’ starting from 0 followed by a 2 icons (+button)/(- button) that would allows us to add or retrieve (0 +/-). This feature would be assigned like the others, to a certain member/rank by the Guild leader.

1.3 This his the tricky part and im not sure how reasonable you guys think it is:
I was thinking of a ‘auto promotion system’, where we (only leaders) could set the amount of points needed to be promote. Would be directly affected by above mentioned point 1.2, and because Guilds have different rank names I thought of something similar to this:
Promote «fill with rank name» to «fill with rank name» when members reach «given number of guild points».

And it’d be needed one of these for each possible promotion, by this I mean for each different game rank icons, in order to promote members within all ranks automatically. For example in our guild we have the following ranking system, respecting current available icons in game:
Warmaster 1*
Tactician 2*
Recruiter 3*
Marksman 4*
Crusader 5*
Recruit 6*
Decommissioned 7*

Only filled lines would be active, and again this feature would be assigned by the leader/leaders to a given member/rank, so he could manage it.
I think this would be a great improvement in Guild’s features and it would certainly help Guild leaders to keep their houses clean, and if they’re willing to, to fairly promote and reward members, which will keep them motivated to play and participate in Guild events.

Much appreciated in advance for your time and attention, I’ll be looking forward for your feedback on the subject.