Showing Posts For Killigon.6804:
ArenaNet has implemented “diminishing returns” to the game, this applies to drop rates and DEs, basically, the more you do a DE or the longer you are in an area, killing stuff, the higher your DR (Diminishing Return) is.
I pulled 5 bog skales in Sparkfly Fen, killed them and looted 3 vials of thick blood. My next group I pulled another 5 skales and got none, and then it kept going with no blood drops.
To be honest, this is unacceptable. Guild Wars 1 is a game where you farm to get money, and it works very well. I see what you want to achieve with the DR system, having to keep moving around to get the drops, but the system in itself, to be blunt, is crap. WP cost alot and you would therefore lose alot of money traveling from spot to spot, only getting 3 vials of blood at a time. If I don’t want to spend alot of money buying materials from the TP I very well should be able to!
Well written thread, I completely agree.
I should also add that Diminishing Returns have been added to drop rates, the longer you are in a zone and the more monsters you kill, the smaller chance of getting a material drop. This system does not work, I need loads of fine materials to make inscriptions and such, but when the drop rate decreases I am forced to move to another area, which is what you originally wanted, right? But that doesn’t work either, with the incredibly high WP costs, buying the mats from the TP would be more profitable than farming the materials yourself. Once everyone understands that, no one will be farming anymore. Then what will happen? The only materials that will be on the TP will be the ones that people acquire while lvling, which again isn’t much and they will probably keep the mats to themselves.
Diminishing returns is, blutnly put, stupid. If I want to farm my own materials, I very well should have the choice to, without loosing more money than I would have if I bought the mats from the TP.
I too think it’s too high, I grudge everytime I have to travel using waypoints, when I travel to LA it’s usually a short term visit, before I go back and lvl some more. 6 silvers you get from doing 3 or 4 events in orr, but doing those events takes alot more time than the time I use in LA. The WP price in-area is also too high.