i would like to see Guild castle
When you create a guild the guild is level 2/3 what ever than your able to create a guild castle witch make’s you challenge other guild’s, how to create a guild is to farm materials like wood/iron/copper example.
To start a castle you need your guild to be level 2/3 and 100g singe up at castle NPC, than you start collecting materials. to start building you need 1k copper you farm it with your guild members. the castle will start at level 1 than the more you spend on the castle the higher level castle will be.Level 1 wall cost 1k copper Level 3 wall cost 2k gold ore.
Challenge Home/Out that means Challenge the guild in your castle witch make’s you to defend you’r castle or fight as attacker witch makes them as defender’s. 30/45 min match and who got the most kills/score that wins or if the attackers controlled the castle.
If there are more idea’s feel free to post them, if you guys are against it i would like to see why.
A warrior does not give up what he loves, he finds the love in what he does