Showing Posts For Kilter.9614:

The nature of MMR hell

in PvP

Posted by: Kilter.9614


This is a really great analysis. I appreciate all the work you put into this. We recognize the problems that the season 2 matchmaking is causing and are looking into solutions that will provide a good experience and satisfy our goals for the league system.

OMG Anet is actually listening and appears to care? TY

hey evan if you are listening I would like to say a few more things. My other account is awsomeanonymous as named by my kid. I have roleplaying experience dating back to 1979 hehe. I imagined a four computer system that would allow the users to play D&D using the computer as thier Dungeonmaster way back then lol. Just curious and not trying to be rude but were you born back then? I also played everquest on the rallos zek server that had pvp anywhere on the map. I played WOW. I am a lifelong gamer and no I never really played D&D as an adult. yes I am the one the pros complained about as I got 420 wins in second season and had the most losses of any player on board LOL. But I was still learning and playing mesmer which was not really viable in pvp back then as far as I could see. But I always roleplayed the wizard and never wanted to be thief, warrior or cleric/guard. So, check me if ya like I now have 5000 plus games of gw2 pvp experience on this and my other account and have learned how not to pull my team down. I do not mind being slightly weaker than my opponents who switch to the current OP profession. I almost always single queue and assumed that my 45% win loss ratio was due to my learning slowly, solo queueing and weaker profession and my skill level combined. but I did rise to 32 on first board after stating mid season with no pvp experience. I got to 76 on second board but probably hurt my teams as my mesmer would die so fast I would rush gate or pester far rather than die fast at mid lol. I played regular mesmer during first season and lost alot so I switched accounts to try Chronomancer. I could not afford to buy HOT on both accounts. This was the only time I felt like memser was balanced with other profesions. With chrono on my awesomeanonymous account I almost got to diamond even though I started mid season and this account at emerald. I felt then that I had a better understanding of what it took to be competitive and 4000 plus matches played. Season 2 has really been hell and when I realized the nature of mmr hell so to speak I realized how bad Anet had screwed up. the only way out of downward spiral as I see it isto get a new account, group with good players and use TS, wipe all your characters to make your account new, or quit playing. I chose the latter and quit as I can only stand so much abuse. I hope you guys realize that roleplaying can affect real life and I say this not to be rude but to put forth the real possibility that this mmr based system could affect a person’s mental health in real life. I am not saying I am suicidal but could imagine a person becoming suicidal as I experienced some depression caused by my real life circumstances and the loss of my ability to enjoy my gaming. Seriously, and again I am not trying to be an kitten or convince anet to change but people have killed themselves due to roleplaying experiences. I hope that never happens as I have seen at least 4 people I know die this way but not due to roleplaying. Just to be clear I am not talking about people dying due to GW2 roleplaying but could imagine that it is possible. Again I am not saying I am suicidal and not trying to mean or convining but to suggest a real possibility for a person that already has mental problems OK?
Again please don’t hate me for considering real possibilities and I apologize if this offends anyone. Remove this post promptly if you feel my discussion is too deep for this chatboard, but I do think it is worthy of consideration by anet OK? I really did not intend say this stuff at the beginning of my writing but this is what came out. SORRY