Showing Posts For Kimahri.1628:

What is ONE change you'd make to your class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimahri.1628


Engineer: blast finisher on rifle #5 isntead of leap. The jump shot looks more like an explosive shot so it would make sense in my eyes for it to be a blast finisher on the casting place. Also and most importantly, i wouldnt feel kinda bad for playing my beloved rifle over shield because of the blast finisher.

Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimahri.1628


Much more iritate me runing animation with rifle. You run like with stick in butt..

Also when you walk with grenade/bomb kit, it looks so weird. My favourite race/prof combo can’t have swag

Charr engi rifle animations !?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimahri.1628


I would also prefer the warrior 1 animation. Hip shot just looks kittened i dont even know how the characters hit the targets without aiming the rifle.

Collectibles Bank Tab

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kimahri.1628


Why is there a 250 limit for each collectible stored? I completely understand the normal bank tab and bag tab limits but if we can’t increase the size of our collectibles tab nor change it in any way i don’t see a reason to give a limit to each item, Specially with these new ascended components which are occupying like 10 spaces of my bag right now.
So my suggestion is, remove the 250 limit or increase it by a isgnificant amount.