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Mordrem Invasion Update: 11 September 12:30 PM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimmuriel.3495


I did not play for very long because I got frustrated, but these were my biggest complaints (in order of importance):
Firstly, I was killing enemies during an event, and in a party, and my party killed enemies too, and I did not tag the event but my party did. I guess it was because I was hitting the mobs that spawned early, and not the ones that spawned at the end.
Depending where you stand at the end of the event you have no chance of hitting the end-spawned mobs before the zerg nukes them.

Then, it was too much random running around for me, I would prefer some kind of logical path to the events, not just them popping up wherever.
Lastly, the scarlet and mawdrey boxes have a unhelpful descriptions.

All in all, I do not feel I can succeed in getting one skin by participating casually, and I do not think that the effort of doing the frustrating participation 3 times/hours a day is worth it. (Would still be sort of casually time-wise but not frustration-level-wise) Also the rewards I do think I can get seem to me to be not very good and I would put any blooms earned in the bank, hoping they will be useful some day, rather than getting a less expensive thing for them.

POLL: Which Sylvari face(s) do you use?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kimmuriel.3495


female 2, 8, 9 (8 took me ages to get it right.)
male 7

White Flickering

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kimmuriel.3495


I got a hd 7900 and I’ve noticed that too. I also got strange graphics bugs in tera (colored little squares like a chessboard where one color is color and the other completely transparent) so I’m not sure if its the game or the card or if these two are completely unrelated.

Masculine Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kimmuriel.3495


Judging from a screenshotsite there are quite some more armors with hanging stuff looking to get in the way all the time than there are really practical looking armors.
I didn’t (yet) look for heavy armor for my male character, but I saw 4 pants, and no shorts. So I still have hope to combine something with nice shoulders and helmet.
One of those pants I saw on the south-east corner of blazeridge steppe at a heart vendor where you have to help seraph(lionguard? some humans and charrs) against ogres or stop infighting.
Also, durmand priory (strange silhouette though) or order of whispers (don’t look at the backside or the helmet though) have pants too. And the story reward skin (might make you look fat though) has pants too although I think you dont get the pants from the story.

Female Light Armor Pants

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kimmuriel.3495


Sure, there’s the jute tailor set, and the ascalonian dungeon set, but the first one has strange holes where pockets usually are (bad for many possible combinations) and the second has this strange miniskirt like addition. I really miss cool-looking pants, especially since I do not like the “ballooning” up of dresses while jumping.
I also do not like big gaps in my armor or things standing off in a strange way (tactical armor) or rag-like armor or barmaid? armor (armageddon [what a title for that armor]) which leaves me with very few choices for my main that I actually like. (I went with acolythe top and priory legs for the moment and try not to jump too much. Maybe I’ll try a kodan/dredge mix next.)

Tl;dr: I’d love to have a cool realistic-looking light armor with pants.

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kimmuriel.3495


Ability to see how many Gems I could get for 1g even if I don’t have 1g on that character.
Ability to put an offer for a skin, no matter what stats.
Ability to put an offer for an identified dye, no matter what colour.
Ability to sort in the trade post for: lowest offered price or to display the offered price in the overwiew window.

The flesh golem finally figured out how to swim and no longer gets taunted by the skullrats for his inability to do so.