Showing Posts For KineticFlow.2513:
Returning after a long absence.
I read in wiki that I can swap my soulbound gathering items for account bound ones, at the Black Lion Weapons Specialist.
I found several NPC’s called that at the vaults in new Lion’s Arch, but none of them give me the option to swap these items.
(I’m talking about Molten Alliance Mining Pick, Chop-It-All Logging Axe, and Consortium Harvest Sickle.)
Can anyone help? Thanks.
I’m all for hard content but.. waiting for Teq is so boring!
Can’t there be something to do, or at least some feedback on what conditions will summon the boss, and how close to that happening?
On overflow map, you don’t even get a notification to rest of map when boss is up, so can’t do anything but stand on one spot where the fight will be, ready for it to begin.
I was so bored I started looking up word games to play in chat. Well, lets just say I don’t log into GW2 to play word games in chat.
(edited by KineticFlow.2513)
While lots of tips on how to cope with Arenanet’s appalling design decision are all well enough, it does nothing to deal with the main problem. Please re-read the title: I no longer feel like a comrade in arms, a fellow gamer, or just like two nice guys, when I meet someone.
Suddenly, everyone is the enemy, and it is me against the rest.
Please don’t try to defend Arenanet on this one. Workarounds are one thing, but not needed. If I had the heart to log in again this evening, I’m sure I could create many such strategies.
I really hope they take this point to heart, because it was core to the PvE part of the game.
Anet, you just broke the thing that brought me to this game in the first place: resource camping/stealing.
I used to marvel at how, when seeing another player, I welcomed the sight of them. Nothing in the game pitted players against each other in competition over loot or resources. No longer.
In terms of my enjoyment (which is what counts if you want my play-time and my money), you broke the game, and, a piece of my heart.
I am, of course, talking about the dragon holograms.
Please fix this ?
So a party member can re-join after a crash ?
I really don’t know why it can’t be fixed ASAP – is there a reason?
For me, I always see the disconnects happen when you change between zone. I pretty much expect to be 4-manning the last boss every run, and when it’s my turn to d/c I feel so dis-heartened.
(edited by KineticFlow.2513)
So because I went for a walk with my parents this morning instead of playing GW2, I lost the chance to complete the phase 2 treasure hunt? Does this mean I can no longer get some unique item or other at the end? Or is it just some achievement?
Edit: OK, so it seems Miyani chain was for phase 1 only, and because I missed it during day 1 I missed my opportunity.
Bah humbug ANet, you have made me unhappy. I feel like I missed out on something. I don’t even know where to go tonight for the last day, and feel generally stressed that if I don’t have my clairvoyance switched on I’ll miss out on something else because I arrive 5 mins late or am in the wrong place.
(edited by KineticFlow.2513)
So I noticed it was proceeding to the next screen now, maybe something got changed.
Credit card method: can only proceed by ticking/unticking the ‘remember card detail’ box (else button is greyed). It always fails and tells me to check my details (2 different cards tried). It never remembers the details I typed after failing so I have to do the whole thing again instead of reviewing existing data.
Paypal method: Can only proceed to paypal by hitting back then forward again (else button is greyed). Log into Paypal & continue through. Hit confirm, and I’m taken to a Guildwars webpage which tells me the transaction failed. I used exactly same Paypal settings to buy something else from someone else minutes after.
(edited by KineticFlow.2513)
Confirmed not working.
The first time I tried it asked me my country, and after choosing from the drop list (which only appeared after typing the first letters) the next button remained greyed out.
Subsequently, when clicking to buy gems, the appropriate window opens, but is quickly over-written by the error message which cannot be moved aside, only closed.
(edited by Moderator)
I will no longer bother with WvW. Today, our zerg of 30 odd was completely wiped multiple times before we saw any effects, players, anything. What’s the point in playing like that?
My true wish: make it so that more than 15 allies within a set radius = movement speed debuff. The more allies, the more severe debuff. It would get rid of the stupid need to be in a zerg in the first place (so you can actually feel like you mean anything), and then solve the graphics issue on top. Oh, and make mesmer portal max 5 people too, put that as wish #2.
(edited by KineticFlow.2513)