Showing Posts For Kinomi.6523:

The Replica Annoy-o-Tron

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kinomi.6523


I like this Job-O-Tron. I want my 500 gems refunded if it gets nerfed

Ummm… *scratches head… “nerfed”?

Exactly, nerfed of its ability to annoy others!

I hope you’ll get your 500 gems back then, Malediktus ^^ So we can enjoy the game again

Hearing other's Replica Job-o-Tron in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kinomi.6523


I saw your thread Ark and was kind of relieved to see I wasn’t the only one annoying by it. I still don’t understand why such item has been designed if not to bother others.

In Silverwaste I counted today at least 5 people polluting others with their backpack. So the argument that it is “only” every 30 seconds is not valid.

I am sure some people who didn’t buy the backpack find it amusing, I am fine with that, as long as I have the CHOICE not to hear and see it, because I didn’t pay to be distracted by this item (the voice is annoying, the jokes not funny and the chat bubble distracting).

Just implement a way not to hear and see it, other than muting dialogue because I want to be able to hear NPCs like merchants or quest ones.

Morsus: good one, that is exactly that xD

I made a more succintly-named thread and it’s mostly been trolling aside from some realistic responses. I doubt anything will ever be done to it, though. It’s the Annoy-o-Tron.

Hearing other's Replica Job-o-Tron in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kinomi.6523


I made this thread a few days ago, because as soon as the backpack was out I had the ‘pleasure" to encounter its happy owner in EoTM.
I was kind of relieved to notice that I wasn’t the only one to find it a pain. But as you can see the thread died fast and no answer about this problem from Anet.
Let’s hope you’ll be heard, because I find it so annoying I usually switch map when someone is wearing that dreadful thing :/

Muting/Hiding Other Player's New Backpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kinomi.6523


There is an option for “Player Instrument Volume” in the volume settings. I would assume this includes the backpack, but can’t test it.

And yeah, WvW or other large crowds will become very annoying that way

“Player Instrument Volume” seemed to me the logical answer, unfortunately it didn’t do anything and my peace returned when the player left :/
I don’t want to be forced to mute the entire game just for a backpack.
I like the suggestion Skaigash.4715 made

Muting/Hiding Other Player's New Backpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kinomi.6523


The backpack talks every few seconds, you hear it : it is funny the first time, then when you realise it won’t stop talking you just want to push the guy that has it off the cliff.
And when the backpack talks, you can see it as a pop-up appears above it.
I just can’t imagine how WvW will look in a few days with 10 or more people with it in a group.

Muting/Hiding Other Player's New Backpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kinomi.6523


Is there or will there be an option to mute and also hide the pop-up the new backpack does?
It is VERY annoying to hear it talking all the time and that was just 1 person having it tonight.
It is also distracting to see a pop-up every now and then.
I would like an option that gives me the possibility to enjoy my surroundings in game, I don’t want to be forced to mute the all game :/

The King and Queen's Horrorween 2014

in In-game Events

Posted by: Kinomi.6523


Dear Queen, could you please assign any number to the person that I quoted below, I couldn’t find his name on any of the list and I feel bad for him ><’

Thank you

177 please =D
Kaige Krysin for the character name =)

The King and Queen's Horrorween 2014

in In-game Events

Posted by: Kinomi.6523


As 199 and 197 have been assigned, how about 194?
Kinomi Meron
Thank you

The King and Queen's Horrorween 2014

in In-game Events

Posted by: Kinomi.6523


or 197 ><
Kinomi Meron

The King and Queen's Horrorween 2014

in In-game Events

Posted by: Kinomi.6523


199 Kinomi Meron
Thank you