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Your top 5 priorities for WvW-Overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Kirito.3479


My 5 Priorities:
1- CC Revamp for Stability change
2- Add GvG game mode and tournament for larger groups
3- Redesign DBL with strategic value or revert
4- Host WvW seasons with added REWARDS
5- Auto-loot

Population and scoring will fix itself if you can make these changes worthy of our attention.

(edited by Kirito.3479)

Your top 5 priorities for WvW-Overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Kirito.3479


“DBL are fine they just take too long to navigate through so we should keep them” is one argument while the other is “Bring back ABL!” DBL should be kept, but reworked. The navigation or size isn’t a problem the real issue is that structures hold no strategic value over objectives that your battalion (zerg) is working to overthrow. A relocation of structures, bare minimum PvE inspired events, and gliding should be added if you wish to keep the maps. I vote for ABL mainly, because of the strategic value as well for the simplicity. Though how long will that enthusiasm last? Think about it.

As for stability, please rethink this change. The idea is sound, but there is way too much boon removal! Think about it… Whether you add it back in or not it will make no difference with this horrid CC. Melee will just get countered again with Boon rips/etc rendering it worse than before since no changes are being made to CC. Lets face it! What is so fun about endless red pools of CC? In addition, look into the AoE player caps/effective radius.

Now REWARDS! No way in Tarzan’s mind will a player stay especially come back if there is no incentive to continue playing WvW. No matter how great your combat is or graphics are there is just no way you can be the best RvR on the market without it. STOP FOCUSING on what you think players should have or what players want. FOCUS ON what they NEED! An incentive won’t hurt like expanding what the WvW currency can get you and adding an increase in frequency on currency gain. Example: Add Proof of Heroics to wallet, add more in-game rewards to invest in, make ascended gear an option somehow, make it worth while to Scout/Havoc! Add a WvW track! Look into WVW RANKS and expand the rewards and things you can invest points in. Give us custom finishers. Give us exclusive gear at least skins similar to previous WvW seasons. DO SOMETHING TO HELP US NOT BANKRUPT US.

Skill balancing believe it or not just needs to be tweaked to compensate for the new Stability change other than that it really shouldn’t be a priority. What should be a priority is giving us better Weekly content like more armors less costumes, more accessory skins, and focus on better weapon designs which is completely irrelevant to the Over-haul.

Population balance? Don’t make me laugh its completely fine. You (Anet) just lack proper insight to many variables to can provide you much more revenue. PvP is great, but not amazing. I don’t see the amount of income you can be making compared to GvG. Pvpers will flock to this idea so will WvWers. GvG ladder is coming to a scene that is almost near death. Invest more into how WvW is played/viewed within other segments of the community or else these changes will mean nothing when you barely have dedicated open world combat specialists. Anet you must be losing on average thousands of players every month…. so… TIME IS MONEY!

Constant Crashes after HoT Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kirito.3479


Constant crash in WvW after HoT is quite fustrating. What never happened in smaller borderlands/EBG, happens on bigger less populated maps. Literally, the moment any server collides with at least 20v20 its an immediate crash. Which not only happens to only me, but to my guild and other fellow players. Crashes are not limited to WvW. The downtime is also between PvP loading sessions, PVE events such as Vinewrath/Tequatl, engagements versus a fairly large enemy faction. I play on a 64-bit with Win7 as Operating System. I’d very much appreciate it to whomever it may concern that you look into this situation, evaluate the reports made by us consumers to enhance the gameplay we absolutely deserve.