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Have I wasted my money?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kirrlaos.7380


Most games that cost a flat $60, you’re lucky to get 50 hours out of.

If you get more than 100 hours out of it, I would say at least in my eyes it was well worth the price you paid for it.

As you mentioned thou OP, the game does have a very high turn over rate because it really lacks any substantial end game at the moment. It offers what its contemporaries offer and to steal a phrase I once saw on the swtor boards ‘You can’t beat WoW at being WoW’.

There needs to be more activities to do at 80 besides dungeons and pvp, things that engage both the solo player and the guild player.

Where it could use more things to do at 80 cause thats why most of the friends wondered off at the moment (hell myself I don’t have a level 80 so I can’t really speak on it myself other than what I heard .. Now people can see where my large chunk of time has been spent .. ya I love goofing off and trying classes out) I still want to point out what I’ve been pointing out. The multi-guild issue, it doesn’t take a great end game or lack of it to make a good guild as I said.

Stop trying to make a LFG system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kirrlaos.7380


I’ll certainly not use any sort of wow-like dungeon finder anyway. I’m still convinced that’s one of the features that helped to completly destroy the sense of community there was still left in Wow before uts implementation

And yet you rather people stand around spamming lfg in lions arch? 95% of the people go there to find a party for dungeons since its the hub world so to speak.

People don’t get it, its not a “dungeon finder” that kills the game, its like saying guns kill people. (and before some smart kitten comes a long, guns do kill people if SOME one if using it to do so, guns by them selfs don’t go around shooting people)

Your going to ask why does a dungeon finder not kill it? Sure you get shoved in groups of random people who don’t talk 99% of the time save for .. ok this is how I pull this boss or something. But are you really killing the community? Nope not one bit why? How do I come to this point? Simple .. Its already been killed, how? What do people that want to do dungeons do 99% of the time they are in game? Spam LFG LFG LFG LFG LFG LFG LFG LFG .. You get the point.

A dungeon finder shuts up those people and lets us people who wish to map/town chat (outside of the trolls) for what is meant to be. Thus in a manner fixing the broken community .. Even though it kinda shrinks it.

Have I wasted my money?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kirrlaos.7380


There isn’t very much of a guild structure in GW2, and it is to the detriment of the game. There’s no reason to play with others, it fosters playing alone.

The chief reason is there is no form of guild/team progression like raiding… there’s no reason for your guild to get together and play together so… you get what we have here: an amazing world with no purpose to be in it. I’ve moved on long ago.

True that there is not much of a guild structure in GW2 I agree on that part. But your wrong about the progression part. Sure most guilds are there for the progression and raiding, but the guilds I was in in other mmos (save for a few) wasn’t built around progression based terms, sure they wanted to work on it, but it wasn’t that, that made me and others stay. It was the kitten things we did .. IE Naked runs through places, sitting around town doing silly things… Other random things.

Just as I already said, its just to easy for people to go to other guilds … Oh I like guild A .. and they check out guild B cause they offer something guild A doesn’t and they find out they reather stick with guild B.

Have I wasted my money?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kirrlaos.7380


A MMO’s longevity is dictated largerly by having a good guild of people.
Any MMO will last very little alone or with a quickstart with MMO-zappers who will let you alone in a month, my advice is try to get a good tight-knit guild, or you’ll soon accumulate frustration and beef the ranks of forum complainers.

Seriously, GW2 is a blast even after 800 hours if you play it with good people.

Thats the thing about trying to find a good guild. I guess its just my bad luck, I’ve never had so much trouble finding a guild in a mmo before. As I said every time I think I found a good one, people scatter to other guilds cause its so easy to do so in this game.

Have I wasted my money?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kirrlaos.7380


Only you can be the judge of if you wasted your money. It appears you enjoy the game as you came to the forums to write a lengthy post about it, so I would say no you probably didn’t waste your money.

True I really shouldn’t be griping as much as I am since it has no monthly fee. I’m just used to the monthly fee mindset. I need to get that out of my head at some point. Where I am having fun, I just don’t play it a bunch cause I really have no one to hang out with. Sure I can go make new friends, but that would take time to find people at different hours that I play. Cause my sleep is always all over the place.. Thats what makes a good guild easier for me and since I can not find one .. I just feel like at some point I wasted my money on a mmo that plays kinda like a single player game .. cause I really have no one eles to play with.

Sure as I said before I can try to muster a small force of friends to play with, but finding people as said to be on when I am is a pain cause of my sleep habbits. (I’m normally sleeping now, but I’m wide awake, but tomorrow I’ll most likely be sleeping around now..)

Have I wasted my money?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kirrlaos.7380


First off, no I do not think the game sucks. I have fun with it and at first thought it was a well place 60$. But over time I question myself, where I have fun, I just feel so removed from the game at the same time. Friends have come and went, and I know that happens so I mostly fall back on a good guild to keep myself surrounded with someone to talk to (No matter how fun a mmo is, its boring alone) and well, this game lacks just that and it makes me feel .. setback and alone. I at first could see what having more than one guild could have done (IE be in a main one and dick around in your friends/have your own for storage) and now I see its a huge mistake.

As said friends I’ve started Gw2 with have already moved on or rarely play like I am at the moment. I’ve made new friends and repeated the cycle. As I said I always fall back on a good guild. Its what made me stick with other mmos for a long time (IE WoW even when it started to get stale to me over all, doing things with my guild kept me coming back, cause it was fun doing things with like minded people) and with the fact of having more than one guild ruins this. I’m not a guild hopper at all, I find a good guild and settled, though in this game.

I’ve been in at least 15 guilds, each one promoting a strong player base .. do dungeons .. pvp .. yada yada yada and every time I go into it. Sure it starts out seemly good, then people start to wonder and filter to the four winds of other guilds .. and what not. So when I go to look for guild members to do things with .. No ones around. So I pack up, move on and hope for a different guild that people will hopefully stick to. Nope doesn’t happen almost every guild (save one, but cause of guild drama I booked it) has fallen to the grand scheme of the multi-guild system.

So here I am wondering did I waste my money even though I enjoy the game in small doses.. Cause I can’t find a good place to belong? (Or is my luck just uber kittenty and I just find all the fail guilds?)

tl;dr The multi-guild function fails

Dear Toymaker Tixx

in Wintersday

Posted by: Kirrlaos.7380


Dear Toymaster Tixx,

I don’t care what you bring, but if you expect me to buy Random Chests for a chance to get it, I’m poisoning the cookies and eggnog.

I’m a good charr, but I agree with this .. And I know who I can get the poison from to

Wintersday announced

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kirrlaos.7380


I want more info to.. hurry up anet!

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kirrlaos.7380


Not sure if this has been touched on yet

But I love the jump puzzle, but theres a few things I would fix if I could. Few things at the start you can get stuck on horribly and that takes off a few seconds. Normally getting stuck screws you. Yes I know you keep jumping through, but sometimes that doesn’t work. The slime is a tad to fast, even if you nail the start and plunge through the part above I still have trouble. I’m one that lines up his jumps and you really have little to no time to do so. Thus your mostly playing a 50/50 chance as you speed through the jumps of making them if your not lined up right. Would slowing the slime down like one second be bad? Also I’ve jumped through platforms I should have landed on, been randomly ported out half way through (when I was doing good and was like OH YA I CAN DO THIS) and other small manners.

But over all I love the puzzle, I like speed jump quests … I loved the lab one in the volcano with the disappearing platforms.

But I don’t love the glitchness of the tower

necro pets

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kirrlaos.7380


Glad I’m not the only one, I decided to try a few necro pet builds for pvp, but when my pets stood there and went HI! WE GONNA CHILL HERE OK? Which made me look like I didn’t even know how to play pvp and got me yelled at by my pug team

Female Charr's voice kinda a miss

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kirrlaos.7380


my char has about 4 or 5 different voices, both male and female.
creeps me out a bit

Same here but with my norn