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GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KiryuuRei.9671



I sent in a support ticket last week 2015-01-15 about that my log in reward track, progressed but I never got my 28 day reward. I havn’t heard anything from you or even got a response that the ticket has been submitted.

What should I do? resend a ticket or only post here? I am kinda frustrated about the situation and also that the daily log in reward progressed without me picking up (or getting) that 28th day.

Please give me a response


What might have happen is that maybe you logged on another char,and you didn’t open the chest on that char,cause maybe you wanted to open it on another one,but the chest remains on the first char u login in that day,and that might have be the issue.I’m saying this cause it happened to me and i was like wth,where is my chest,it might not be the same case tho.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KiryuuRei.9671

It’s not only you with the problem,alot of people from EU has this problem especially in the evening,including me,they are working on it.

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KiryuuRei.9671


Ticket Number: 1112343
It’s been 10 days and i didn’t got an answer,while i know that there might not be any way atm to solve my problem with the lag,i hope that i will get an answer to my reply.Thanks

(edited by KiryuuRei.9671)

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KiryuuRei.9671


My location: Romania
Time and date of incident: EVERYDAY between 20:00 and up until 00:00 (GMT+2)
Game World: Seafarer’s Rest
Description:Everyday about this time i start to lag horrible and i can’t even play anymore,people are teleporting around me all over the place and then when the lag is gone everything moves in fast forward,and once i get DC i can’t even log in back anymore.Also its not my ISP,right now my connection is 90 up/90 down and 10 latency.