Showing Posts Upvoted By Knight Kravitz.5162:

Froggy boss, sad truth, best boss mechanics

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Some of the best yes, but not the best. They are learning and improving.

Fractals = mostly good boss mechanics (some winners like dread & uncategorized) some not so great (bloom hunger)

Then you have the revamp of AC. Although lots of bugs and some annoyance, the boss mechanics were largely improved.

Then bring in the frog. I think we can just look forward to better new bosses and better revamped bosses.

RIP in peace Robert

Gigantic lupicus is too challenging

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Is this a joke thread? If you want Arah gear work for it.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Dragons are impossible to fail

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: deviller.9135


I think dragon encounter should be revamped. Claw of Jormag is actually an interesting encounter, but safe spot make this not happen and claw still get reduced damage make this fight become not interesting. Easy change for this encounter: make the damage to Claw if not stunned to 0. For fail: make this encounter timed. 30 m – 1 h is good. If times up, Claw will deal heavy damage to all players in area and encounter will fail directly.

Tequalt: Actually it can be changed to protect Asura Cannon. Dragon cannot be damaged by players attack. Only Asura Cannon can damage him. Anet just need to spawn some risen, veteran, champion (depending on zerg size). In addition, Tequalt still can fear player. Fail: if the cannon destroyed.

Shatterer: Encounter can work like this: Shatterer will summon some shard which summon some branded, damage it surrounding, regenerate shatterer, and fill overload bar. Players need to destroy a number of shards. After a number of shards destroyed, Shatterer will be stunned and player can attack it (if Shatterer is not stunned, it will have electric field which negated all damage). Fail event: overload bar is filled, Shatterer deal heavy damage to area around it and the event fail.

Dragons are impossible to fail

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: kRiza krimos.1637

kRiza krimos.1637

Dragons need to be revamped. They were one of selling points of gw2, but i never had feeling they are anything epic, just big in size thats all. Giant frozen chicken is afterall still a chicken.
They should also rethink elder dragon battles, Zhaitan was dissapointing =(

Dragons are impossible to fail

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Rezz.8019


There are DRAGONS in this game? Oh wit.. you mean those immobile non-flying useless chickens? Yeah, they’re only good for getting rares. I mean seriously, you kill a DRAGON and you don’t get any feeling of accomplishment at all. That’s a fail.

Save your character build...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kangataz.6842


As a person that played GW1, when will we get to see this feature brought back? I can’t see this being that difficult to program. Yes you may only switch when out of combat still. I appreciate the fact that major trait slots are something you can change easily without the need to respec(which is easy/cheap enough as it is). But it’ll be nice when preparing for combat against certain enemy types, to be able to switch in between battles, like for example: boss fights I tend to equip my character differently than regular trash mobs…and I am always constantly experimenting with different weapons and utility skills, as well as my major trait options.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Nashiem.8932


Ok so I just want it can you integrate this into the game or not?

Too much casual focus-not enough hardcore

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aye.8392


i just want to see more exciting bosses with better loots and actual possiblities to fail lol, you cant even fail a dragon event……

This is not the same as asking for hardcore content. I don’t think there is any player in the game that would disagree with this. I want to be able to fail too, because that makes success mean something. I want to be able have have interesting boss fights. But, I don’t expect to have to go to great lengths or spend long hours in game to have those things.
Sorrows Furnace

Too much casual focus-not enough hardcore

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Simple. Too casual and easy, let’s see tactics and difficulty. Enough said.

Wear full-squishy gear.
There’s more progression than just item rarity and whatnot.

Most people think the game, like most other MMORPG’s, is about item progression. Get the BiS and you’re done. Just like in GW1, getting BiS is a joke. The endgame gear progression should be about getting a fancy and pretty armor/weaponset that makes you feel happy. That’s the item progression.

The gear progression should, also, be looked at in a different light.

Get beefy gear that will let you live when you make a mistake.

Slowly start getting squishier gear as you learn to mitigate damage with your profession’s utility.

End up with full-squishy gear and not die.

If you want tactics and difficulty, give yourself a challenge. If you’re truly a hardcore player you would get yourself out of your element and put yourself at risk. Go into WvW and solo/roam. Keep going and take okittenerg.

If that’s not your cup of tea, try soloing a dungeon or a dungeon boss. There are a lot of solo’s that have been recorded. That’s something that’s in almost any players reach if they dedicated time and effort. I, personally, would like to do something like that but am limited by an ~15fps machine running on lowest settings when fighting big battles. It tends to spike during the crucial moments, too, but I won’t go into details because I’m also making excuses for how bad I can be, at times.

Don’t think that Legendaries and Exotics/Ascended make you a hardcore player. I’m a casual that plays the game hardcore. Sure, I’ll be an elitist and do Fractals or CoF speedruns, but I only do it if I have something that I will gain. In terms of Fractals, it was an ascended backpiece. In regards to CoF speedruns, it’s for quick cash and adding to my sword collection (with the tokens).

Too much casual focus-not enough hardcore

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mujen.2089


I get the impression that to most hardcore players, the very concept of “fun” is an irrelevance. It’s numbers, kills, gear, money, prestige. The game is simply a second job to them.

For people like me who sit somewhere in between casual and hardcore, GW2 suits me fine.

Exactly.. casual players have their own area.. so why can’t there be areas for those who play the game say 3-4hrs/day or more? Does fotm affect casual gamrs? absolutely not, but yet they complain as if they are forced to. Just seems like selfishness to me.. non casual gamers don’t complain about your map completions, jumping puzzles and whatever it is you guys do… yet casual gamers feel they should be on the same lvl as everyone else, why? If you can’t raid, you cant raid… so u can do dungeons.. it’s that simple. Just because someone drives a Mercedes Benz doesn’t mean you have to also, just means they spent more to earn it and you have a Toyota Corolla.. ur still driving. Why do casual gamers feel obligated or feel it’s even realistic to be on par with someone who plays way more?

Too much casual focus-not enough hardcore

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mujen.2089


Not to sound overly negative, but if it’s one thing GW2 has taught me, it’s that catering just to casual players is a big no-no. Why? casual players don’t require a lot to be happy.. give them something capable within a 1-2hr window and they’ll be fine. The other players who spend more time on the game suffer. It’s been a huge learning experience for me.

Sure but that one percent of hardcore people sure don’t matter in the equation.

As much as I like GW2, it’s last on the prio list.

Go do the math. Which’d be the better market to cater for from a business perspective?

  1. If the gem store had worthwhile items more people would buy them.
  2. Check the forum, most of the “casual players” wouldn’t play the game if it was subscription based. They don’t like to “pay money to play a game
  3. Last on the priority list meaning you may drop the game at a whim, because you have a minimal investment.
  4. Do you know people make enough money playing video games to not need a typical job. If the game is interesting, people stream & others donate, it attracts more clientele.
  5. People don’t invest a lot into things they don’t feel aren’t going anywhere. There are a lot of skeptics.

Personally: I bought the game $60 I bought gems twice $20 – I’m done. after 1 month I’m bored of the game, I’m only playing for my friend’s company, I’m not spending another cent. I wasn’t going to even buy the game, my friend convinced me. I LOVED gw1.. Saw gw2, watched streams (most of which are gone now) & decided wasn’t a good sequel to gw1.. Only came cuz my friend. #5 applies to me, i’m too skeptical to spend my money on this game.

This Game's PvE needs a Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: No Walking.6349

No Walking.6349

Look at all the dungeons, it’s dodging and damaging. Look at all the world bosses, dodging and damaging. Look at all the guild bounties, just damaging.

I mean, it sounds good on paper not having a trinity, but in the real game it just makes it to where all the boss fights are just an easy DPS race. No technique, planning, or skill is required by the groups at all.

Guild missions are supposed to be guild endgame PvE now right? Well then why does it all consist of just finding a mob on a set path, then AFK auto-attacking hum for 5 minutes? This isn’t right at all. Greatly looking forward to having both WvW and the trinity in TES:O.

Warlords of the Mist [MisT] (yaks)

in Guilds

Posted by: Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Been in the guild for a while. Almost 500 of us, always people online. Join us!

Dragons are impossible to fail

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


I am completely with Knight. Meta events are just farm places for rares. Really poor design – this is not living world we are able to alter as it was promised in the manifesto.