Showing Posts For Knight Kravitz.5162:

BlackGate|BotD recruiting|Casual|Ts3

in Looking for...

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

Brothers of the Dragon [BotD] is a small casual guild that is currently residing and building up its numbers in Blackgate server, we have a teamspeak 3. We play all aspects of the game though PvE based we do a lot of world boss fighting/type content a lot of dungeons, a lot of fractals, character progression, we do spvp as well as some WvW.
If you would like an invite please pm me in game thank you


Black Gate | PVX [GhsT] Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Forgotten Warriors of Deldrimor [GhsT]~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PVX – Laid back – Involved~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- Hey I’m the leader Nick, I’m 20 years old and I love my Guild wars. I just recently transferred into Black Gate for the amazing community when it comes to world events because that is something i particularly enjoy.

- Okay enough about me, I created [GhsT] mainly for the sheer friendly involvement that comes along with a close knit Guild, with a guild there is so much more to the game i don’t know where to begin. Mainly friendly people to defeat bosses, complete dungeons and most importantly bull kitten with on voice chat.


- [GhsT] will be a guild you want to represent, it wont be required but you will not want to miss out on the particular activity we might be doing at the given time so you will find yourself representing on your own!


- [GhsT] will have plans in the future for a possible Facebook for members to interact with as well as separate channel in the future Team speak for other games if you would like to do so.


- [GhsT] has many plans in the future and will be doing many things that your average Guild Wars 2 player does not do on a daily basis, but to find out, I guess you will have to join..

| | | | | | | } In order to join Please in game Mail me (Knight Kravitz.5162) { | | | | | | |

[GhsT] Leader, Nick.


Gigantic lupicus is too challenging

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

Lol this game needs more bosses like this, if you complain about one piece of hard content then that’s sad. There’s other dungeons out there for you. Leave us alone on the only challenge this game gives us


Froggy boss, sad truth, best boss mechanics

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

Simple, it’s sad to say this boss honestly has some of the best boss mechanics in the game so far haha


Dragons are impossible to fail

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

Yeah they are a big part of advertising the game come on let’s focus on some real fights here what is fun without challenge and self accomplishment you get none of it with a boss you can’t possibly fail lol.


Save your character build...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

This feature needs to be brought back as well as last log in for guilds, and foe uw deep urgoz dos etc, come on I thought this was guild wars 2? Not guild world 1 lol


Too much casual focus-not enough hardcore

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

I get the impression that to most hardcore players, the very concept of “fun” is an irrelevance. It’s numbers, kills, gear, money, prestige. The game is simply a second job to them.

For people like me who sit somewhere in between casual and hardcore, GW2 suits me fine.

.. non casual gamers don’t complain about your map completions, jumping puzzles and whatever it is you guys do… yet casual gamers feel they should be on the same lvl as everyone else, why? If you can’t raid, you cant raid… so u can do dungeons.. it’s that simple.

From my standpoint the problem with “hardcore” players is that they drive discontent. After spending 12 hours a day in the game they’re on the forums complaining that there’s nothing to do and the game is boring and dying and already dead and there’s nothing to do and, “OMG I”m not gonna do a kittened jump puzzle give me raids!"

The problem is that most people can’t do raids. I want the devs to spend their precious resources on things that can be enjoyed by many different types of players/people. Not something that can ONLY be enjoyed by hardcore players, because then they spend their 12 hours a day chewing through the content, master it and start kittening that there’s nothing to do and, “OMG I’m not gonna do a kittened jump puzzle, give me more raids!”

Fractals were a great addition to the game because casuals can play at low levels and hard-core can push that envelope up-up-up and everyone is happy. I would have loved to see some new fractals coming into the mix in this update. Fractals, or ever increasing dungeon difficulties are a nice mix for casual-hardcore. This is the type of content that I’d like to see continue. It doesn’t eliminate casuals completely from the mix, but it gives the hardcore both a challenge and bragging rights. But there is still a problem with how quickly it is digested.

Off topic:

The problem with Fractals is that players have zero chance at the best rewards unless they push the levels really high meaning that casual players have no chance at the best rewards whatsoever. I can see that for the ascended items and the crafting materials for infusions, they’re only needed if you’re in the higher levels anyway. But, some of the Fractal Skins are fabulous. The problem is that they come in account bound — hardcore players can’t sell them on the TP even after they get duplicates of the same skin, making their play seem unrewarding and casuals can’t get them by any method. In my opinion both sets of players would be better served if the drops were able to be sold between players.

I disagree with selling that would make fractals completely pointless:p the loot is hardly even ether at higher levels I myself am 40 fracs and I got better look 10-20 then they decided to nerf the high levels this games becoming a giant nerf instead of just making stuff harder


Too much casual focus-not enough hardcore

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

i just want to see more exciting bosses with better loots and actual possiblities to fail lol, you cant even fail a dragon event……


Too much casual focus-not enough hardcore

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

Simple. Too casual and easy, let’s see tactics and difficulty. Enough said.


This Game's PvE needs a Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

I agree the game is too easy as an elite GAMER I find it mindless and boring anymore there needs to be skill involved and fails if your not good at stuff that’s what makes mmos fun lol.


New Maps-Desert-Agony ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

Hey this is kravitz here from yaks bend server and [MisT]
I would just like to lay out some suggestions about incorporating agony into normal pve gameplay with a place like the desert.

-we can suggest maybe 2 or 3 zones all requiring a minimum agony level to proceed.
- zone 1, 15 AR required or the desert will constanty dehydrate you to death (agony condition)
-zone 2 and 3, 30 AR and for 3 45 AR required.
-zone 1 will have a few bosses that also throw agony on you that will be semi channenging but mostly soloable.
-zone 2 will have events with agony required and many more monsters with agony wich require AR but with useful loot and some exciting areas to explore and farm.
-zone 3 soul consist of a title legendary zone, which would have almost all mobs to have agony bosses to have some challenging mechanics, a new dungeon, better champion reward loots ori ore guarded with mobs, and all the fun stuff an elite GAMER can enjoy which the zone also is severely recommended you take no less than a party of 3 -5 if not more.

This is just an idea I really have been thinking about please comment on what you think below(:
-[MisT] leader, Kravitz


Dragons are impossible to fail

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

If they were at the correct difficulty of there “boss” name we wouldn’t have to nerf the chests every patch:p if anything buff the chests nerfs should be absolutely held off till last option.


Warlords of the Mist [MisT] (yaks)

in Guilds

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

You can also message me via here on the forums(:


Dragons are impossible to fail

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

Bath event is the one actual event in the game that gives you a good feeling when you successfully open it with a guild or such, I very much enjoy balth we definantly need more BOSS chests like balth and the dragons need to be changed. They aren’t dragons lol they are easier than champions………. BOSSES should not be easy lol I mean really people?


Dragons are impossible to fail

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

im just saying they want the game to be more casual well theres already so much casual content a casual player wont complete it what about us hardcore players that are finishing up the game on multiple characters and are getting bored:p


Dragons are impossible to fail

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

The fact that dragons are impossible to fail and spawn in the same spot every time is stupid they should be running through and around a specific zone owning people and actually be challenging with a weekly chest. They should have specific items only ontainable from them also and should be a failable event (exe. Maybe succeed 1 or 2 times out of 5 attempts.) I mean come on let’s have some excitement & some difficulty lol.


(edited by Knight Kravitz.5162)

Warlords of the Mist [MisT] (yaks)

in Guilds

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162
We are an active pve based guild but we do it all wvw spvp we are pretty laid back with a few rules such as representing being mature and friendly and having mumble also.
If you want to know the ins and outs of the guild and the ranks and some useful links check out our website or in game mail me (:
[MisT] leader, kravitz!


Game Improvement - Difficulty

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

I agree but i also do enjoy zergs but with a zerg depending on amount of people attacking the boss it should get harder like they have the guild bounty bosses programmed


Game Improvement - Difficulty

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

yeah that would also work but i am aimed more towards just more difficult fights and more rewarding things with the end game! :p


Game Improvement - Difficulty

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knight Kravitz.5162

Knight Kravitz.5162

The game is great I will admit but it is quite simply way too easy I find myself hardly needing to pay attention to play.
With that being said, instead of nerfing all the loots just make stuff harder and more rewarding.
On that note, I find myself taking a fair amount of time to kill a champion simply to get terrible loot. Why not add veteran slayer? Champion slayer? Better loot?
The game is fun, yes . But it’s way too simplified. I understand they want everyone to be able to play but what about us hardcore gamers? We can play this with our eyes closed.
To conclude I will just say where’s hard mode? Or just a harder island maybe where you can’t enter without a certain gear level.
-thanks, Nick