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Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knoll.6837


I have spent a very long time mulling this over in my head, and the challenge with giver’s weapons is that they hurt condition damage so very badly to take, and are horribly under-statted on the 2h weapons.

Basically you have this:
Full Rabid + undead =~ 2100 condition damage
Full Rabid + nightmare = 2000 condition damage + 10% duration
Full Rabid + undead + one giver’s 1h weapon = 2010 + 10% duration
Full Rabid + undead + one giver’s 2h weapon = 1920 + 10% duration

If I decide to use giver’s on an offhand, I then have to use it on my staff as well, to keep my staff fears long enough. That is where you see the massive tank in condition damage.

Bottom line is that I really need to maintain 74% or more fear duration. Since I have 70% from food and traits, I need 4% more from somewhere else, while trying to maintain as much damage as possible. I believe this setup is the best I can do.

Hey Rennoko, tried this setup yesterday with runes of the necromancers (20% fear duration on 6/6) since I don’t have access yet to nightmare ones and I must admit that I was impressed of how good the build is.

Do you think that runes of the necromancer are a good replacement for nightmares ones while waiting to get those?
I know that we loose 10% cond duration overall, but if the main target is to pass the 74% increased duration on fear shouldn’t they do the job better than the other options while at the same time giving you a good condidamage boost?

My other idea was going to use 4/6 necro & 2/6 Lyssa… what you think would be better?

Cheers guys and… MOAR DOTS!

Your base is 70% with food, and 30 points in spite. Since you only need 4% more, necromancer runes are not really needed, though the additional 10% over nightmare specific to fear does translate to longer fears, just not much more in the guaranteed damage department.

Lyssa and Mad king runes are an option, but you lose that massive 100 condition damage 5th bonus from nightmare/necro/undead if you take those, and that hurts quite a bit.

My second choice for runes would be undead, because I would be able to live with the small chance at not getting the extra damage tick, but my third choice would be necro runes, for the longer fears. I don’t care for dropping 10% on all my conditions, but it wouldn’t be all that bad.

I have just fallen in love with the passive on nightmare runes, and the more I have gotten used to it proccing, the more I notice it helping out when I need it most. It works a lot like reapers protection except that it won’t fizzle on long range targets. It hits anyone/anywhere if they proc it.

So, given the three options which are :
1- increased fear by 20% with no dmg loss (necro)
2- increased all cond duration by 10% but with a big dmg loss (mixed runetypes)
3- increased condi dmg by quite a lot but with only 70% increased condition duration instead of the so much needed 74% for the fear (undead)

You would pick option 3 correct?
Sorry but was a bit confused :/

Cheers and thanks in advance!

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knoll.6837


I have spent a very long time mulling this over in my head, and the challenge with giver’s weapons is that they hurt condition damage so very badly to take, and are horribly under-statted on the 2h weapons.

Basically you have this:
Full Rabid + undead =~ 2100 condition damage
Full Rabid + nightmare = 2000 condition damage + 10% duration
Full Rabid + undead + one giver’s 1h weapon = 2010 + 10% duration
Full Rabid + undead + one giver’s 2h weapon = 1920 + 10% duration

If I decide to use giver’s on an offhand, I then have to use it on my staff as well, to keep my staff fears long enough. That is where you see the massive tank in condition damage.

Bottom line is that I really need to maintain 74% or more fear duration. Since I have 70% from food and traits, I need 4% more from somewhere else, while trying to maintain as much damage as possible. I believe this setup is the best I can do.

Hey Rennoko, tried this setup yesterday with runes of the necromancers (20% fear duration on 6/6) since I don’t have access yet to nightmare ones and I must admit that I was impressed of how good the build is.

Do you think that runes of the necromancer are a good replacement for nightmares ones while waiting to get those?
I know that we loose 10% cond duration overall, but if the main target is to pass the 74% increased duration on fear shouldn’t they do the job better than the other options while at the same time giving you a good condidamage boost?

My other idea was going to use 4/6 necro & 2/6 Lyssa… what you think would be better?

Cheers guys and… MOAR DOTS!