Showing Posts For Kodlak.4389:
It does change and its extremely annoying. Who thought that was a good idea?
Not really, I use the etched weapons that usually come with the Shaman’s prefix for all my weapon skins on my norn warrior who has the Stag armor set as well. It looks great.
Yeah It happened to me as well. Waiting for them to fix it =/
First of all this is my first post so, Hello everyone. I joined guild wars 2 sometime near christmas and new years, I’m not sure. So I’m fairly new.
for starters, my first character was a Norn warrior and he is lvl 54 now, everything seems to be looking good. Cultural armor looks great, gladiator armor works fine. No clipping, nothing.
Then I finally made my second toon (I don’t think I’ll be making any more, at least past lvl 5). I actually wanted a charr warrior as well (my biggest dilemma when I made my first toon was deciding between norn or charr for warrior) but I decided to stick with thief since I already have a warrior.
Problem: Everything clips. The skirts looked understandable and “okay” on my norn warrior when i played him, but the skirts look so awful on my charr thief. First of all, it seems to be way longer than it was on my norn at least how much of it covers my body. Second, my weapons are clipping through it. (This bug i can live with)
What bugs me the most is my tail. I can’t stand the tail clipping through my armor so frikking much. It looks terrible. I really wanted to play charr, story so far is amazing, characters are really well voiced and play a great part. So ferocious and in-depth, but I look like a dingus.
Obviously this is the state of the game at the moment and others are having a similar problem, therefore, I am not complaining (if Anet is reading this, then yes, I am actually complaining to you guys since you are capable of fixing this problem).
What I am here for is asking other players (you) what armor should I go for to avoid or minimize these issues? My guy is level 9 right now, so preferably something close to my level range and not end game gear. I am not sure I can even last to lvl 40 with all the tail clipping and stuff.
Btw what do other medium armor wearing charrs think of the medium armor from the gem store? Does it look good? Does it clip? Anyway feel free to recommend any armor =)