(edited by Koelkastlamp.3960)
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Hi there,
I’ve recently started playing a thief and i’m lvl 66 now. I always bring a SB with me for the mobility with 5, but besides that the SB seems so useless to me. I don’t know how to get any dmg off with it. The autoattack deals no dmg in PvE compared to any other weapon, the clusterbomb deals avg dmg unexploded and is unreliable manually exploded, the 3 is more of an evade which deals no dmg, the 4 is just a poison field.
I just don’t understand why people always praise the SB on thief so much. Am I missing something here? How do I play with it?
Thanks in advance
I tried doing the story quest ‘Ships of the Line’ twice now, but ended up leaving the quest twice because of the same bug happening. Once i get to the part where i have to swim underwater to rescue the Windfall crew, i can’t go on.
Some details:
- There are no NPC’s in the green circled area but one (priory scholar i believe), which is untargetable and uninteractable and Zott avoids a certain radius around the NPC for some reason too.
- The objective is ‘rescue the crew of Windfall’ or something like that.
- Zott is following me just fine (i read that some people had problems with that too some time ago)
I hope this can be fixed somehow, because this is my first lvl 80 and it would be a shame that after coming this far i can’t even finish the story.
Thanks in advance.