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Spectate Mode should be removed from Hot-join

in PvP

Posted by: Koloman.1632


Looking at the title of the thread made me think this was some troll mad at people for spectating. Now that I’ve read a bit, this is actually one of my bigger problems.

Recently with the 5v5 matches 1 player down really hurts the playing experience. Honestly I don’t mind a 4v5 match every so often, but most games I play turn into this. I’m not mad at the system, just the people, however I do think changing the system could help deal with the people…

I like having the ability to choose your team at the beginning to play with friends and I like being able to spectate, but perhaps if the spectators weren’t allowed to join and the players couldn’t swap teams, we wouldn’t have so many problems.

What future professions could we see?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Koloman.1632


A.Net already stated they are working on a new profession. The commando is supposed to be a long range prof with some really sweet support roles as well.

Here is the teaser trailer they released:


(edited by Koloman.1632)

Ask any Necro question!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Koloman.1632


Hey, great thread. I love it when the forums are helpful instead of hurtful

I almost never see a necro with a focus, I was wondering if there was a build that utilized the focus, or what function the focus is best suited for? With the vuln and boon removal it seems like it would be a nice power build or bunker buster type thing, but then being the only offhand that provides regen it seems like maybe a decent survival weapon. Even still I don’t see many necros with the focus. Where would it fit best?


Turret engineer. No, I won't apologize.

in Engineer

Posted by: Koloman.1632


It’s funny, I took a break from gw2 right after eotm started. At that time everyone was complaining that turrets were useless and I was getting hate for trying to use a viable turret build. Some people were even shocked that I could kill anyone with it and asked how I did it in-place of any nasty comments…now all I see are people complaining about how op and cheap it is.

I like turrets and enjoy using a different play-style. Honestly it’s not as easy as everyone says it is, the second my turrets go down there’s not much I can do. I just think the people complaining about it don’t want to change their battle tactics to take out one engie, when that’s all they have to do. Turrets are not without a fault.

But all this hate is probably because people aren’t used to turret builds yet. I’de give them a while to get used to it. Just like any class change.

What to do about condi's...

in Engineer

Posted by: Koloman.1632


So, I find that if a necro sneezes on me in WVW I shrivel up and die. I usually have some condi remove on me but I rarely have enough time to cleanse the conditions before I’m dead and if I do there’s absolutely nothing I can do when more are applied to me. I run one of those condi nade-spammy builds myself so I can’t complain, I just want to know what you guys do about condi’s.

New skills new playstyle?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Koloman.1632


I, like many, like to think over new skills and additions to my beloved classes. A thought came to me a while ago. Anet is always talking about build diversity and play-styles and all that nonsense. What if we found new ways to play said class that could bring on new skills instead of simply presenting the raw skills. So, allow me to throw some of my boring ideas out there for you to eat up and throw back.

I’ve put some thought into it and the necro is one of the few profession out there that can actually transform (other than engie, warrior and mesmer, but they don’t count). Just a thought, what if transformation utilities were to make it to the necro and give him/her a kind of kit-swap or attunment-type playstyle. Being able to swap in and out of transformations would be fun and add a new element while staying true to the necro theme I think.

thoughts? likes? dislikes? …trolls?

The Everlasting Engineer - PVP BUNKER

in Engineer

Posted by: Koloman.1632


I pretty much agree with everything NevirSayDie said. I run a similar tanky build with clerics amulet and meladru runes. keeping in mind that the engie doesn’t have much condi cleanse I run a 10/0/20/30/10 build with X in alchemy for the extra condi cleanse on my elixir R. The melandru runes help a lot as well. I would really recommend running elixir R for any tanky engie build, it can double your tanky-ness with one spell and adding a condi cleanse on it really helps. Just for preference I like running rifle turret, with a short CD the knock back and blast finisher with water field helps a lot. I like your build though, I think I’ll change my build with yours in mind ^^

Funniest things you heard in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Koloman.1632


I was trying out a tanky-ish ranger build in hotjoin one day (without spirits), I had an enemy thief follow me around the ENTIRE match. I attempted to kill him a few times but he had constant stealth and I didn’t have the best damage output so I just ignored him and ran around capping points with him stealthing in and out like a ninja…I didn’t die once, and capped my fair share of points. After the match he raged about me running away like a coward -.-

Another time in soloQ I was holding home and my team had failed to take mid after 3 attempts. I knew this was because of the enemy bunker, so I told my team to take and hold far hoping to spread out the field. 3 of my teammates listened, took far and were defending it like a boss against the other 4 enemies! While the one guy who ignored me, continued to insult my plan and ran mid for the rest of the game. Needless to say we won holding side points and that one teammate died over and over against the other teams bunker.

oh, good times ;)

AoE + condi spam on pt

in PvP

Posted by: Koloman.1632


So, I’m confused…The original post looks like someone was in a sticky situation and was looking for advice on what to do next time. The thread then turned into random complaints that really have nothing to do with acting on the situation but to manipulate the game so the situation doesn’t happen again.

For one, this is a reasonable situation that I run into every now and then. Secondly condi specs are hard counters for any thief. This doesn’t make them Op just a counter to your prof. and a reasonable position to question what to do next. Now I don’t know how many condi spammers were at this particular point or how many teammates you had with you but, assuming they were focusing another teammate on the point I would usually stay to see if I could burst one of them down, if I had difficulty then I would probably have left and helped at some other point. A lot of the time it’s better to leave a point your team can’t take to take one you can. for a more insightful view I would need more info.

A full condi team has its strengths but definitely its downsides. Just about any comp in teamQ would have some condi remove/immunit. In soloQ you can’t strategically build your team to make sure you have dps, bunkers, condi removes, etc…Yes condi spammers are challenging to deal with, but so are bursty builds and bunkers. It doesn’t make any sense to complain about small cp’s or how srong your counter is against you. Just accept it was a bad situation and you couldn’t do much with what you had, instead of changing things that could/would hurt other aspects of the game.