Showing Posts For Kong.4035:

[Fort Aspenwood]-[Maguuma]-[Dragonbrand] 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Kong.4035


Maguuma is usually well organized and has good commanders but we are falling apart this week. I expected a much closer battle but the lack of leadership and strategy have caused this to be a one-sided waste of a matchup in general.

I commend Fort Aspenwood for their strategy and teamwork and would love to know if the passive approach of Maguuma in prime time EST hours have allowed you guys to basically cap as you wish.

wvwvw thieves listen up

in Thief

Posted by: Kong.4035


I am getting you guys invites now. Post here if you don’t receive them. Join us on Teamspeak:

Guild bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kong.4035


I am having the same issue with only 2 members in a freshly started guild. It worked fine yesterday but must have been broken with the new patch.

Thief looking for guild | Far Shiverpeaks

in Guilds

Posted by: Kong.4035


I just started an all thieves guild and would love to have you! check out our recruitment thread:

WvW Thieves Guild - Maguuma Server - Valar Morghulis

in Guilds

Posted by: Kong.4035


Bumping to keep it fresh

New Player Looking for Tight-Knit, Mature, Talkative Guild [Any Server]

in Guilds

Posted by: Kong.4035


Maturity, decency, and respect is a must in my opinion as well.

Our guild is looking to recruit thieves for WvWvW on the Maguuma server. Even if you aren’t looking to role a thief feel free to join us on Teamspeak for lots of laughs and WvW domination!

Recruitment thread:

The core group of guys we have are all upper 20’s – 40’s that want to have a good time without being annoyed by people that lack respect and courtesy.

wvwvw thieves listen up

in Thief

Posted by: Kong.4035


I have a Teamspeak server you all can join so we can run together.


WvW Thieves Guild - Maguuma Server - Valar Morghulis

in Guilds

Posted by: Kong.4035


Valar Morghulis: “All Men Must Die”
– Game of Thrones

Name: Valar Morghulis Guild [DEAD]
Server: Maguuma

Goal: To cause as much havoc, frustration, and disruption as we can to support our server’s mission of being victorious! There is nothing more fun and demoralizing to the enemy than for a thief to come out of nowhere, explode your opponent before he knows what hits him and then run away laughing!

Benefits: -Training and knowledge that can be shared among members of the same profession so we can be the best of the best. Exchanging builds and techniques is a critical part of getting better and adapting to the changes that are sure to come with the game.

- By creating a guild, we will have a better line of communication in text chat and in voice comms (Teamspeak and Mumble).

- Guild bonuses: We will apply the bonuses that will help our profession and guild the most in WvW.

- Maguuma has a very organized WvW community with over 100 members regularly joining the command channel Mumble server where we can organize our party and help the server the most.

Who do we want?
- All thieves that have a main purpose of causing WvWvW havoc and disruption!

- A headset and microphone is a must and you must be willing to join Teamspeak when in game! (self explanatory)

- Men and women that are 21+ years old and promote a team atmosphere with the goal of becoming the best assassins in the game. Maturity is a must but we like to have fun while not being annoyed by the lack of courtesy and respect that grown adults deserve.

- Leaders and followers. It takes those with the skills to lead and to follow to be successful in WvW so the more the better.

- All thieves are welcome regardless of level or build but we ask that you have a goal to become max level as soon as possible and main in the thief profession.

Teamspeak Info:

If you have any questions feel free to join the teamspeak server and see [DN]iRISH (me) or reply here for an invitation.

I look forward to spilling the enemy’s blood on the battlefield with you all!

wvwvw thieves listen up

in Thief

Posted by: Kong.4035


Any update on when the guild will be started and what server? I don’t want to step on toes but I was going to start a thieves guild on Maguuma server a while back but will be happy combine forces if this one fizzles out.

Heart of the Mists Armor skins for WvWvW Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kong.4035


All of the skins in the PvP locker have PvE equivalents. Which one did you like Kong?

The PvP Guild Coat with the guild logo on the front and back is the one I would like to have. Anyway of getting it? It looks very similar to one of the dungeon armors but has the logo instead of the funky armor look on the front and back.


Heart of the Mists Armor skins for WvWvW Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kong.4035


Thanks for the reply. That really sucks because I think they look so much better than the ones available to us…

Heart of the Mists Armor skins for WvWvW Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kong.4035


Is it possible to get the armor skin that I am wearing in the Heart of the Mists to transmutate to my WvWvW gear?

wvwvw thieves listen up

in Thief

Posted by: Kong.4035


+1 for Maguuma! I love the idea of an assassins guild and think the “Faceless Men” would be an awesome name after the assassins guild in The Game of Thrones series.

Thief stronger since patch?

in Thief

Posted by: Kong.4035


I don’t know if I am stronger but I love the changes! I run a BS build and don’t miss the big burst from BS at all. So what if we have to hit 5 times to do the same damage, I think it makes the better players better and the bad players not as good.

Why Maguuma... what's in it for me???

in WvW

Posted by: Kong.4035


BTW, I would set and change the mumble password frequently or even daily to keep spies out. In my opinion, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal for us to have to ask for the new password in team chat and would keep the tactics to ourselves

Why Maguuma... what's in it for me???

in WvW

Posted by: Kong.4035


I joined Maguuma last night after being discouraged with the lack of teamwork and communication on the Dragonbrand server and was pleasantly surprised! The guys on the Mumble server were doing a great job of organizing the group and keeping the communication lines open between the parties and we made quite a bit of progress with fewer numbers of people vs SOS and Dragonbrand.

I can’t say enough about the great time I had running with you guys and gals last night and look forward to building a better server with you! BTW, I may be bringing our whole guild over from Dragonbrand!

Why Maguuma... what's in it for me???

in WvW

Posted by: Kong.4035


What is the mumble info. so we can see what you guys are all about?