Showing Posts For Konstantine.1906:

The Bifrost III : a Freakin Crystal !

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Konstantine.1906


Hey guys, here is your non-RNG way to acquire The Legend. Just invest 800 gold in this collection, and then after you’ve done that, now you just need to do this one thing that requires a couple low probability things to happen, the boss has to hit through a blind (20%), then you have to get hit out of hundreds of players and summons (less than 1%). And you can only try it 1, maybe 2 times every 3 hours.

How is that different than throwing rares into the mystic forge for a ~20% chance for an exotic and then a subsequent less than 1% chance at the precursor?

I guess its different because you can do the mystic toilet more than 2 times in 3 hours…

ETA request on Bifrost III

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Konstantine.1906


I just wanted to add my support to this concern. I couldn’t care less for most of the complaints about cost for the precursor crafting, and time gating ascended materials etc. Up until the Shatterer part, the collection has been fun, and did its job: to be a non-RNG way to get the Legend. This one part is ridiculous and should really be seen as a bug, despite the reality just being an unfortunate combination of low probability conditions.

As is now, due to blind on Shatterer and the phenomenally low chance you get hit, it goes against the core of GW2 which is a game that wants to always encourage playing with others. This collection discourages that. If I could find an empty map and do it myself that would be great. There is a growing group of people trying to get crystallized yelling at everyone to stop blinding and then hanging around for 10-15 minutes after yet another failure to commiserate over how helpless we all feel. I did 4 Shatterer’s today and never even saw a single crystal freeze.

It might as well read: Find an instance of the map where there aren’t 40 mindless people blinding a boss that is already too easy and doesn’t even seem to cast the ability you need him to.

At the current rate, I might just farm shatterer every day until I make about 800-900g and buy the precursor that I was 800g invested in crafting before I get frozen.