(edited by Korel.3185)
Showing Posts For Korel.3185:
Vote is for Friday exactly as it was before the change – same times as before.
Hello All,
There are a couple of reasons for the change to reset time. One is for the overall quality of the game. …
Take this from someone who LOVES this game and is an MMO consumer for the last 17 years (UO vet). The game engine is outstanding in a world of WoW wannabes, and I truly commend everyone at Anet for their work.
I love reset night and you just killed it. Your customers play on the weekends, and your release cycle and work schedule should align. If you want to develop software for the Mon-Fri 9-5 crowd, go work at Oracle. If you want to make games – LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS and KNOW THEIR LIKES.
Well, that does bring up a question. Are people there because of reset night, or just because it’s Friday night?
We’re there because it’s “Friday Reset Night.” Followed by, “Saturday, Let’s Go Paper Their Garrison” afternoon. Friday just happens to work great and makes it possible for folks in AsiaPac to play, too.
Constructive feedback – ask your customers what they want, what they like, what they don’t like. Craft a proposal. Either test market it or poll the customer for feedback. Adjust, proceed, and/or scrap the proposal based on said test or feedback. That’s how changes and change management works.
Based on responses, it appears this is NOT something hard core WvWers care for. Anet could have saved us some grief by ASKING first.
Logged in to specifically register my strong opposition to this change. How was this decision made – was there some polling done we don’t know about???
Seven, on runes, if one is set in the gear they’ll be running, do you suggest using Divinity runes as you can afford them? Are the Centaur benefits to swiftness superior to the spread of stats from Divinity?
You’re the reason people turn tail when they see Mesmers – thanks for that.
Quick question: do you base your run choices in part on cost so you can switch out cheaply? I was wondering if investing in Divinities would be helpful – I run the Sw/Torch – Staff build in your first post.