Showing Posts For Kryptio.3169:
Wanted to throw this out there again, I know I’ve seen it a few times before. From my understanding, arenanet has always had the image in mind that once a player hits 80, it’d be up to them to set their toons apart by making them unique and allowing them to mix and match gear and gear skins. However, I do believe much more of these need to be added.
In my opinion, I think players would rather see a patch containing lets say 200 new types of gear skins or 100 new town clothes. Or add weapon auras and colors similar to what path of exile does with their cosmetics. Most gear that you see running around in the game are pretty well known, like the cof rewards helmet, or the light nightmare pieces. But I think it’d just be pretty cool if new gear/skins were added and you go out and happen to kill a Moa, and boom! New rare helmet skin. Just add them to world drops, or chest drops.
I have 2 level 80 toons, and I have them both pretty much geared out to how I want them (restricted by gold of course) but I feel like there needs to just be more cosmetics added to this game. And it doesn’t even have to be all lvl 80 gear. I get excited for every patch, but it seems to only to result in other additions such as bland living story stuff, more backpack items, and t shirts??. I dunno, just my two cents :P so please arenanet, new gear and gear skins!
Was fun at BG BL NW tower. We had so many ACs it became a farm. Wave after wave of BGs got melted by so many ACs.
Massive AC nerf incoming
Was very fun! We decided to hold ground and do the same to you guys :P I swear we were outnumbered 3 to 1 in that defense lol. Too bad you guys weren’t able to get in and cap though :P Great battles going on tonight!
I recently noticed that GW2 has been drastically affecting CPU temps of my system by nearly an increase of 10 degrees Celsius. I play a variety of games when I have the chance and have noticed the following:
Battlefield 3: Temps around 43-50 C
Path of Exile: Temps from 36-45 C
Tomb Raider: Temps from 39-46 C
Guild Wars 2: Temps around 52-61 C
I dont know if any others have noticed such same issues, but if so I’d like to hear them. I have all updated drivers and programs minimized. I have a FX 8350 at stock 4.0 GHz, and fans running at 100% during gaming sessions. Have verified temperatures using HWMonitor, AI suite II, and Speed Fan.
Really wish we could get a dev response to this…or any of the other issues they continue to ignore…
Blackgate just finished Balth :]
i5 3570K and a motherboard is not really more expensive $309
If the memory you are using is 1.5Volt you can reuse it. So you are looking at 20 more bucks for the processor and about the same price or cheaper for the motherboard. That is a good motherboard I have used it.
Thank you zerk. Seems to be a pretty good deal. I like knowing that with this cpu, games will run much better in regards to single threading. I was originally leaning toward the intel, but ive almost always had AMD products and wasn’t looking to dish out 220 for the CPU :/ but this gives me another alternative.
Thanks for the reply storm. I currently am using a oc certified thermaltake CPU cooler, so I just play on using that one and try and overclocking the 8350 to at least 4.5 ghz or so. Do you have the 8350? What’s your fps look like in pve and Wvw?
I dont own the new series of fx just have the 8120 I cant really say that I’m perfectly happy with the previous gen but if you make up your mind for that FX8350 make sure your certified cpu cooler is compatible(and you own the brackets etc) with am3+ boards if you are changing the board aswell or you are going to be spending some more money for the cooler that may very well end up the same price point of 3570k(kinda couldnt understand whether you are going to change mobo for both or just for 3570k)
Very good point, i didnt even realize i may run into compatibility issues with my cooler going from AM3 to AM3+. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. How is the fan that comes with the 3570k? If I factor an overclock cpu fan it wont be much different price wise compared to the 3570k. I’ll have to take that into consideration.
Thanks for the reply storm. I currently am using a oc certified thermaltake CPU cooler, so I just play on using that one and try and overclocking the 8350 to at least 4.5 ghz or so. Do you have the 8350? What’s your fps look like in pve and Wvw?
Recently I have been thinking about upgrading my CPU in order to get better performance in games, as well as WVW. I currently own a Athlon II x4 640 3.3 Ghz oc, and I am aware that upgrading my CPU will require a motherboard as well. I’ve been looking into the fx 8350 despite all the numerous claims of how it completely sucks in this game compared to the 3570k and other similar intel CPUs. However, I just can’t seem to justify paying that much more for a 3570k and a new mobo, as currently tigerdirect has the 8350 at $186, and I don’t live near a microcenter store.
So my question to any fx 3850 owners, is how does your chip result and more specifically in WVW? If anyone would be willing to show some videos or screenshots of your frame-rate in and out of zergs, I would greatly appreciate it. I really enjoy WVW in this game and would love to be more helpful and large scale battles but as it stands my CPU is holding me back.
I’m also willing to hear any additional advice and comments, just please refrain from
fan boy comments and the like. I have looked at numerous benchmarks and sites showing performance, but not so much as how the 8350 runs in guild wars 2 and WVW.
Ps: I am running a 64-bit OS, 1 GB PNY 560 TI, with 8 GB CORSAIR 1600 DDR3 memory.
I’ve had the same issues lately. I have a PNY 560 ti, and although ropes and some textures flickering white, I’ve see this problem pretty much only in Wvw. I’ve even tried rolling back drivers and still this issue is prominent.
I’ve done the same. Rolled back a driver version and problem is still prominent. It seems like I’ve only seen it in WvW. I’ve also noticed some terrain glitching and flickering. It seems like the white textures of like ropes and some parts have been fixed but now there’s these graphical issues instead now :/
PNY 560 ti as well
Athlon II X4 @3.2
Windows 7 64-bit
FPS TIP! Quickly increase your FPS on multicore CPU
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kryptio.3169
What do you want, an official statement from arenanet stating this is what you have to do to improve your frame rate in this game? Lol good luck that’s not gonna happen. If you’re skeptical to do this, then just try and maybe you’ll get a performance boost like I did. I was skeptical myself, after all the tricks and tips I tried. If it works for you, great! If not, it’s a simple fix and literally takes 30 seconds, and you can go back to your QQing lol. I went from about 25-30 Fps up to 55-65 fps. Whether or not this should or shouldn’t work, it did and I’m glad this was brought to my attention.
FPS TIP! Quickly increase your FPS on multicore CPU
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kryptio.3169
Holy Cow! Alcu, you just made my day. This really did work for me. Downloaded the utility linked above, didnt even require an installation and it said I had 3 of my 4 cores parked for some reason. Unparked them all and I am running super smooth, and much more happier.
My specs:
AMD Athlon II X4 640 (3.0 GHz)
8 GB Ram
nVidia 560 ti OC
Thank you for posting this tip. Extremely easy and I was quite surprised when it worked for me! :]
Tried running ascalon catacombs explorable again tonight with the guild mates and once again we were stuck in the room with the levers in traps in the temple. I believe the area is called the flooded temple? But anyway upon reaching this room, there is no cut scene. We are unable to do anything in order to progress from here.
Also as a level 62, my personal story quest called forging the pact is bugged and not all the individuals will follow me to the south gate in order to progress. Trahearne will fight and stuff, but refuses to follow me to the waypoint.
I have not seen much on these two topics and would like to notify arenanet of these issues so they can hopefully be fixed soon. Also of anyone has some tips I don’t know about in order to fix this, or any knowledge on the subject, please put it here.