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Will I ever be able to sell on the TP again?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ksaweri.7513


Well well well, I’m cured!

A thousand blessings upon you Sorry!

Will I ever be able to sell on the TP again?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ksaweri.7513


Today is day 9 of this bug.

Still can’t list items on TP, still can’t sent mail, still can’t transfer.

Will I ever be able to sell on the TP again?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ksaweri.7513


I feel your pain Theo and Yoshiro.

Interesting, so it can be fixed according to that 15 day old post by Cliff Spradlin. Maybe this is a case of the Left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing?

(Probably should have mentioned my ticket number in first post, here it is anyway 120916-004076)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ksaweri.7513


I just got the error “Previous Mail Processing” when I tried to send a weapon to my friend..

Also got the “Error when trying to sell” in TP as well..


Sorry for the problem. I just fixed your account for you. Can you check?

I have exactly the same problem. Can you fix it for me please Cliff?

I have a post about it here:

Will I ever be able to sell on the TP again?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ksaweri.7513


Since last Saturday (a week ago) I have a permanent ‘Error attempting to sell’ when I try and list something on the TP (its permanent, so no, waiting a few minutes or re-logging wont fix it) and ‘Processing previous mail’ when I try and send a mail.

Today I also tried a server transfer (just in case it cleared the bug) but that’s bugged too. I cant move server.

Support replied to my ticket, which I appreciate:

“I apologize for the late response.

We do not issue bans for using the Trading Post in the way you described. What you are experiencing is not because of any action we took, but rather caused by a bug.

We will investigate this issue. However, right now I am not able to give you an ETA for a solution to this problem.

We appreciate your patience in this matter and apologize for any inconvenience this is causing you.


GM Andreas
Guild Wars Support Team"

The no ETA is rather disappointing. As it stand I’m not even playing the game as I would have to vendor all my loot as my bags become full and I also really like trading on the TP which I now cannot do so for me with the bugs I just get a mildly annoyed feeling when I play the game.

I’ve made this thread so I can update it every now and then so people can see (if they care) how long it took for this problem to be fixed.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ksaweri.7513


Hi, ticket 120916-004076 submitted over 5 days ago.

I have a permanent ‘Error attempting to sell’ when I try and list something on the TP and ‘Processing previous mail’ when I try and send a mail. I wrote this recently somewhere in the forums.

“Well, I’ve been banned from selling on the TP or sending ingame mail it seems since saturday.
My crime? Buying and selling on the TP. Not even for a huge profit (5s on this, 15s on that) but I did a lot of trading on saturday, making about 12-ish gold.
I know this has also happened to a few other players, I’ve got a ticket in since sunday and have stopped lvling my characters as what am I meant to do with my loot now? Vendor it all?
I’m pretty annoyed about this, its ridiculous. I assume its to do with some over-sensitive anti-botting measure but what the hell, I’m a real person doing everything manually which was very time consuming.”

I’d like to know what is going on (obviously) because I cannot play this game in its current state atm, as it just depresses me.

Is buying and selling for huge profit against ToS?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ksaweri.7513


Yes, I’ve put in a ticket in.

Is buying and selling for huge profit against ToS?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ksaweri.7513


Yes, before it would come up “Error attempting to sell” after I listed say, 10 items and I would have to wait 5-10 minutes-ish before the system would let you list anymore. I assume again, thats an anti-botting measure. This is what it does for everyone.

I get this message all the time now, and also cannot send mail. I assume the system thinks I’m a bot or why would it ban the mail as well? Because it would want me to stop sending my gold anywhere else.

Is buying and selling for huge profit against ToS?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ksaweri.7513


I’m absolutely positive that’s the only reason it could be but I can understand the scepticism.

I put alot of orders in for the stuff I was buying on saturday and there was a fairly quick turnaround then boom it hit 10pm GMT and that was it, I couldn’t list anything and “Error attempting to sell” is all I get now (and yes I’ve relogged).

Is buying and selling for huge profit against ToS?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ksaweri.7513


If you are talking about me in particular I was buying items for examping for say 15s, and selling them for 20-30s etc.

I was trading on the trading post.

(edited by Ksaweri.7513)

Help! About in-game mail and error attempting to sell!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ksaweri.7513


Well, I’ve been banned from selling on the TP or sending ingame mail it seems since saturday.

My crime? Buying and selling on the TP. Not even for a huge profit (5s on this, 15s on that) but I did a lot of trading on saturday, making about 12-ish gold.

I know this has also happened to a few other players, I’ve got a ticket in since monday and have stopped lvling my characters as what am I meant to do with my loot now? Vendor it all?

I’m pretty annoyed about this, its ridiculous. I assume its to do with some over-sensitive anti-botting measure but what the hell, I’m a real person doing everything manually which was very time consuming.

Is buying and selling for huge profit against ToS?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ksaweri.7513


Well, I’ve been banned from selling on the TP or sending ingame mail it seems since saturday.

My crime? Buying and selling on the TP. Not even for a huge profit (5s on this, 15s on that) but I did a lot of trading on saturday, making about 12-ish gold.

I know this has also happened to a few other players, I’ve got a ticket in since sunday and have stopped lvling my characters as what am I meant to do with my loot now? Vendor it all?

I’m pretty annoyed about this, its ridiculous. I assume its to do with some over-sensitive anti-botting measure but what the hell, I’m a real person doing everything manually which was very time consuming.

About in-game mail and Selling on Trading post.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ksaweri.7513


Yes, I’ve had this for over 40 hours now.

Still waiting to find out why I cant trade anymore, something I enjoy doing.

Error when attempting to sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ksaweri.7513


No, not in all cases.

Previously I’ve posted about 10 items for sale and then cannot post anymore for 5-10 minutes.

After a day of trading on saturday I’ve now been unable to sell anything at all for over 30 hours now. I think once you reach a certain amount of trades in a certain time period, you are banned from selling, which is crazy seeing as I’m not a bot.

Error when attempting to sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ksaweri.7513


12 hours now for me.

What. The. Hell.