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Thanks for the help!
OK Grizledorf, I’ll bite. Your build sounds great – what is it? I’m mainly interested because I’m currently building my engy to be tanky while still squeezing as much damage out as possible.
Thanks. If it is hitting 3 people instead of one, does that further increase the chance of proccing?
To provide a little more detail: I’m considering Rune of the Pack on my engineer if each of the “hits” from the flamethrower counts as an attack. I’m curious because they each have separate chances to crit.
I can test it tonight, but was hoping someone already knew the answer. Thanks!
Thanks everyone. It was extremely helpful input. I probably will back down to 10/10 in the defensive lines (I do like those 10 pointers a lot). Although not specifically stated, I’m picking up that the extra bounce on GS2 isn’t as good as in sPvP. It makes sense to me: who cares about 1 more bounce against 30 people? Instead, focus on damaging/controlling many more with other traits.
I think I’ve settled on something like this: (again, just traits)
Thanks again.
That’s very helpful, and kind of what I was afraid of. You mentioned something that peaked my interest, though. Are mesmers able to build mostly offensive traits due to their escape utilities? I was thinking going with toughness/vit would be important, but if I could trade one out to go power/crit/vitality, I would certainly see big numbers popping. I just don’t want to get destroyed if someone looks at me sideways.
Maybe I could go offensive for the trait abilities, and then full toughness/vit on my armor.
Thanks for the replies. I had just 2 or 3 follow up questions for you.
1. I have a real hesitation about condition damage (on all my characters). I guess I just never trust it. With that said, it might be nice to have if I’m tossing around feedback a lot in WvW. Is it viable to go a full condition route with a staff? What are the drawbacks?
2. If I go the dueling route, is Greatsword still a good weapon to use? I’m seeing beserkers mowing through crowds critting and bleeding, but is this fantasy?
3. If I go a power route, is greatsword really hampered without Illusionary Elasticity (extra bounce)?
Thanks again!
Hey guys,
I just hit 60, and I’ve really struggled with developing a mesmer build. On my engineer, it was easy to see the grandmaster grenadier trait and say, “I want that.” Then build around it accordingly. There is no 30pt trait like this for the mesmer (for me anyway). In fact, a lot of our passive skills seem more important than the major ones.
For me, there are 3 traits I really want:
Illusionary Membrane (15 pts) – Gain protection when you gain regeneration
Phantasmal Healing (15 pts) – Phantasms grant regeneration
Medic’s Feedback (10 pts) – Create a feedback bubble when resurrecting
The first two seem to combo nicely (although phantasms do die quickly – you get regen at 75% hp and from those around you in a zerg). The third is great for me as I use downed people strategically (often not rezzing to full hp – just want the bubble). Feedback is incredibly powerful – the more bubbles the better.
Rest of the build:
So the core of the build ends up being 10/15/15/15/5 with 10 left over.
(ignore anything else but traits from this link)
I’m going to put those 10 points into whichever weapon I end up using. If greatsword, I’ll need all 10 into domination/power. Other weapons would only need 5 more. I’ve been using the greatsword almost exclusively, but now I’m thinking about the staff, because I can spend 5 on the staff trait and 5 on some else (clone on dodge? focus skill reflection?).
So I’m asking for input on my build. First, do more experienced mesmers know if the 10/15/15/15/5 core is good-on-paper-only type idea? Second, given that core, where to spend the remaining points? I think I’d like the utility of a staff plus another trait, but I’m concerned with the performance of the staff in WvW. Care to enlighten me?