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Baruch vs Piken vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Kthanid.2187


I don’t understand why so much people are complaining about “blobing”, claiming that their own server never “blob” and always blaming the others. So “blobing” is general, as much I’ve seen and read on forums and during game. Arena dediced to double slots on WvW, it’s just logical that this will happen in game, willingly or not. Everyone has to deal with it, and next week PS and BB will have to deal with the RS “evil german blober” as some people like to say.
AR will deal with it on T4 too. Anyway, goodbye, farewell and have fun for the next weeks as I hope AR will have while fighting new servers. Some fresh new battles awaiting, the old couple AR/PS will have new excitements

Firaë – Elementalist l [VVV] VVV Family’s l
Augury Rock

(edited by Kthanid.2187)

Baruch vs Piken vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Kthanid.2187


I use golems every night (almost)
I like to use them, golems are cool.
The thing is the mentality i think at least AR has, maybe also BB (but thatas something i have to look a bit more at befor i can say it).
Its just not funny when you could have enemies at night you can fight but after they wiped or got pushed back they just leave the map and go somewhere else. I saw that OFTEN in the last weeks/months. Noone stays and fights, trys it over and over.
I remember nights where i needed 3 hours to get a fully upgraded SM from RS.
Not BB and also not AR try it more then 1-2 times. Thats just sad.

So i think thats the point that annoys me most at the whole night thing. I dont want to jump maps all 30 mins because my enemies run away. At least BB has the numbers to do that and also some people who “try” it.

I think that the number is clearly the causes & consenquences of this point. And you seem to forget that the three fight between them not only AR vs PS or BB vs PS. On night (after 1 am) the total number of players is really low on AR. Jumping on map is not necessarily linked to a fail on an isolated action but for greater concerns on another one to defend a critical point for example. Global strategy is more important than win or lose a battle. And indeed, “size” makes clearly the difference for that

Firaë – Elementalist l [VVV] VVV Family’s l
Augury Rock

(edited by Kthanid.2187)

Baruch vs Piken vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Kthanid.2187


Prime is always a problem with servers from different regions and server population. AR is too often outnumbered and has real difficulties on multiple primes compared to the only one we can get. This is the same for each servers but this is really significant for us.
We’ll enjoy our last week vs Piken Place and Barush Bay, then have some rest on T4, this will be a good and less stressfull period.
See you soon maybe

Firaë – Elementalist l [VVV] VVV Family’s l
Augury Rock

(edited by Kthanid.2187)

Baruch vs Piken vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Kthanid.2187


Just a fair question to PP and BB guys : do you have a lot of problems with your server to have them listening to your commanders orders or simply connect on Teamspeak or anything else for more coordination when you intend to do something with your troops ?

@ Zajo : could you precise a bit more please ?

Yes indeed. It’s in the nature of the people to “not trust” other people. Specially since the blue dorito it’s “free”.

Thx, it seems that is not an isolated case for this (even if it has reached tragic proportions now on AR…)

Firaë – Elementalist l [VVV] VVV Family’s l
Augury Rock

Baruch vs Piken vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Kthanid.2187


Just a fair question to PP and BB guys : do you have a lot of problems with your server to have them listening to your commanders orders or simply connect on Teamspeak or anything else for more coordination when you intend to do something with your troops ?

@ Zajo : could you precise a bit more please ?

Firaë – Elementalist l [VVV] VVV Family’s l
Augury Rock

Baruch vs Piken vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Kthanid.2187


Why am I funny?

Because RG “sick of 100 man blobs” and went to server with biggest blobs ever? xDD

And you count 100 guys here ? Hum…

Still hoping AR goes on T4, sick of all those petty comments and attitudes.

Firaë – Elementalist l [VVV] VVV Family’s l
Augury Rock

Baruch vs Piken vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: Kthanid.2187


You know, AR is not a server dedicated to WvW, not at all. But I assume that you already knew that ? Even if we have a fairly high population most of our WvW troups are not organized and ignor basics about tactics and dont seem to read orders or take some efforts to go on AR dedicated teamspeak. Our leads try to do something with all of this with sometimes success and unfornately many fails. But it’s the game and I enjoy it as it is.

Anyway, welcome to RG guys, hope you will enjoy your stay.

Firaë – Elementalist l [VVV] VVV Family’s l
Augury Rock

Piken Square vs Augury Rock vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Kthanid.2187


so today we hold Overlook for around 17 hours. (new record for this week xD)

also i feel like asking if the french want to go down a tier or what are you doing guys?

look at this:

Hopefully AR will go down a tier… hopefully This is definitely not a wvw server.

Firaë – Elementalist l [VVV] VVV Family’s l
Augury Rock