Here we have so many bashing RUIN and wishing them and their ilk ill will. Constantly demeaning RUIN as opponents does not make them unworthy of the accolades bestowed upon them or the trophies gathered on the field.
I expect that in nearly every avenue of life there are those that despise winners and look to everyone other than themselves for their own failures. I also recognize that the true measure of greatness is often be directly proportional to the lamentation of the women and children whose husbands’ and fathers’ have been sacrificed to the greater good.
RUIN came here for various reasons, and the main reason was to participate in meaningful 24/7 pvp. Here we found that much the chagrin of our opponents. The US servers are unbalanced because of timezone issues and that there are not enough Oceanic players to go around to make things fair. The overall quality of fighting in the EU servers is better too and more competitive. We rose to the top in the US bracket and didn’t cry and lament the unfairness of not having enough aussies or whatever. We adjusted and moved to improve our quality of play. We moved and it worked.
I gather that the language restricted servers cause you discomfort in that you feel you can’t compete and get your own US contingent to fill the void. Well, how about you did what we did and MOVE. Do not stay in your FR server, but MOVE to a server without that alleged handicap. Seriously, just MOVE! We moved, we lost some people along the way I am sure. But we moved and life is so much better and more competitive for us despite all the whining.
You can continue to laud the EU based guilds and vent your frustrations by belittling RUIN and its contributions to the war effort. It fuels us. It makes us feel good that you despise us so. If you didn’t hate us like you do, we probably wouldn’t be winning! I am sure that were we losing and no threat, you would not spend the slightest bit of time mentioning RUIN this and RUIN that every other sentence.
I have a lot of respect for the fighting that happens on the field. VZ and Ar are tough opponents. Sure there was and probably is some alliance thing going on part of the time at least with the FRs against Deso. That it was admitted that it existed and lasted for any length of time is enough for people to believe it happens more often than you now admit. The oft times nearly coordinated efforts and lack of attacks against one another when it would seem to make sense, make it seem more probable as well. As well as VZ and AR just not attacking each other at times when they are next to one another is interesting and compelling too. So, you can say all you want there is no alliance, I believe it is an on and off again thing between certain commanders who likely coordinate by voice communication to coordinate when they can.
In any event, the fighting has been fierce. All the Deso guilds have a part in what happens on Deso. All are worthy of accolades including RUIN.
That RUIN makes you sad, I am not sorry. Your refusal to adapt is your own downfall. Is it Pride? What is it. MOVE and prosper to 24/7 coverage if that is what it takes. Others are doing it now, many guilds have moved to Blacktide to compete 24/7. You can do it too. But no matter what you do, stop whining…