- Being Kicked from random Dungeon groups. (Nobody wants Thief in his group) Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior are the top clases.
- Being kicked from random Team Tournament PvP groups. (Some1 asks: 1+ roamer for 5v5 pvp team. I say: Here im Thief. No please we dont want Thiefs)
- Being kicked for random fractals groups, once again nobody wants Thiefs in their groups.
- Develop still 4s in sPvP, this has no sense, even when in all other modes WvW and PvE develop is only 3s. Thief is more weak and useless in PvP (because run away and stealth arent that good for taking points and holding) than PvE or WvW, why then develop is 4s in the hardest mode for a Thief?
- We have an SPECIAL TRAP in WvW ONLY FOR US!!!! 30s without stealth? Are you joking or what?
- People dont want stealth in Thief, people dont want evades on Thief, people dont want crics in Thief. Wait? What Thiefs supose to do? 1111111 autoatack?
- Thats what Anet is forcing…
- But this isnt end yet, THIEFS ARE OP.
PD: The only time I saw Anet preview playing Thief were in fractals and the only thing they can do, was spamming 1 SB autoatack, and being 95% time death…