Showing Posts For LJimbox.6391:
Hail, Adventurers!
I have created a site to assist guilds with keeping track of Guild Bounties. All you have to do is start a bounty and send the link to your friends and guildmates for them to join you. From there, they can sign up for a NPC once it is found. The site will auto-populate the ‘who found it’ field once somebody has signed up for a NPC.
Any feedback is appreciated!
Thanks for your time,
- LJimbox
Really looking forward to it!
Less than 2,000 points between first and second place and a spread of less than 10,000 points between all three servers on a Monday and SoR is already trash talking.
You people are simply adorable!
What do you mean, “You People”?!
A guild that recruits people? Thats terrible, why would anybody recruit!
A screenshot of dead corpses at the ledge of the borderlands jumping puzzle where people jump down with 1% health! kitten you owned all of them?! Thats siiick.
Furanku – don’t feed the trolls.