Showing Posts For LKOGL.3450:
Well, I wouldn’t say no for a guild invitation to see what is going on. If you’re serious about WvW and you’re not just casuals I might consider server transfer. I am getting sick of Piken Square anyways.
For now, I just want a guild that helps me with raids.
I am in Piken Square, but I think that the servers doesn’t matter. What are your Raid times?
Looks like I need a lot of gold to craft ascended gear, and a lot of time to get through the raid if (and only if) I find a guild to raise me as a raider xD
But guys! I have a real life out there where I need to farm marks to graduate from college. This is a problem!
Hello everyone.
All of you guys know that if you miss the first train to raids, there will be no second one. That is not what we were promised by Anet! They said everyone would be able to play the raids and you won’t be forced to switch to a certain class or role, or wait for a Healer or tank to play the raids, but that’s what is exactly happening right now.
People are looking for experienced players by asking them to link something called insight or whatever. I missed the first train to raids and I want some help.
I have experienced the whole fight of Vale Guardian and only phase one of Sab where the first mini-boss jumps in. Didn’t take anyone of them down. I go raiding with my guild and they eventually asks inexperienced players to leave (Polite kick, you know they are guildies).
I am Utility DPS Chronomancer with Full Berserker trinkets and exotic armor and weapons. I need some help, I am getting sick of the current Raid LFG system!
Hello every one!
I was playing my Mesmer today and as usually I am running the “Deceptive Evasion” Trait.
I was out of combat for a short time after killing a monster and I dodged away from the other monster so I don’t get in combat again and get my movement speed reduced.
But my stupid clone, as always, attacked the remaining monster and got me in combat again xD
well, I usually use my F4 to destroy my illusions so they don’t get me in combat if I don’t want to fight. But F4 ability’s cool down is a little bit too long. So here I started thinking “what if we Mesmers had an ability that does absolutely nothing but destroying clones”.
Yes, I am talking about a shatter ability, that does nothing but removing all my clones, phantasm and illusions from the world. It doesn’t have to be F6 or anything, that would be a lot of F’s on my UI xD
It doesn’t have to be on the UI too. Just a small keybinding that removes everything I control in the world.
I think that if we had such ability we will find some use of it.
Tell me what you think guys, and sorry for typing too much
(edited by LKOGL.3450)
well, mine is going from 0kb/s to 800
Why is my client window shaking off showing “Connection error(s) detected . Retrying..” ?
No matter how many times I restart the client it keeps on showing!
That last 1 file should be a new map xD
Hello community.
As you all know crafting has been a major part in most of the MMO games.
In some of these game crafting is used to make money.
And also it’s used to craft some items that can’t be found because it’s account bound or it’s price is high.
I am right now crafting the “Twilight” legendary greatsword and I got the gifts already.
The next step now is to acquire the greatsword “Dusk” and it needs gold. Because if you wish it to drop for you, you will wait for years and it’s been since the release for me xD.
Anyways, the question I am asking is there is anyway I can use my craft to make some money? The crafts are useless if their only advantage is to make some stuff and that’s it.
I did some researches on some Items on weaponsmith and it was so useless. if you gather and sell the main crafting goods you will be making more money than crafting a rare or exotic greatsword.
so, is there anyone knows how can I put these crafts in some use?
Looking for AN EU server uncontested “Temple of Balthazar” If any!
Please, I need tons of shards!