Showing Posts For Lady D.4023:
I appreciate your “leaving the guild” suggestions (I am not in this guild now), but my message was not about that. It takes a month or two from people to understand how the guild operates. And during this time masters would continue taking advantage of other players. Having people come and go relatively often they can keep this guild forever. I want that to stop.
It did not take long time from me to learn about the main unspoken rule of this guild: the slaves must serve the masters. You can confirm that by looking at the guild log. The guild wealth, created by slaves, would be hundreds, if not thousands, influences every day. But I could not remember in two months spent in this guild getting any boost. Masters, from the other hand, use guild influence based boons every day at their convenience.
What stroked me the most is the request to represent the guild 100% of the time. To achieve that goal the guild leader and officers use different tactics. Some slaves would be bribed (25 ectoes per head), some – kicked from the guild. Neither guild leader nor officers could explain why they require 100% representation (generally speaking such request is against ArenaNet rules, as well as the guild owns rules, published on the website), but seeing how the guild is managed it is not a secret to anyone: the slaves must serve the masters, so masters would have a stable source for their wealth and legendary weapons.
The guilds as ArenaNet implemented them today can create opportunities for some players to take advantage of gaining value (loot, experience, karma, etc) over other players. That’s why guilds like I described should be called “exploits” and deleted, and people who use this exploit – banned from the game. I think ArenaNet needs to take a close look at this exploit and make some changes to remove such possibility.
Structurally the guild consists of 3 groups: guild leader and his friends, called “masters”; untouchables, called “developers” and others, called “slaves” (all definitions are mine).
Of course, there are no rules for guild leader and his friends (most of them are officers). They can be offensive in chat, rude, unfriendly, racist etc. – I have seen it all. They can play on different servers and represent other guilds. The rules on website are for slaves, not for masters.
Masters play mostly together. Once in a while they would ask slaves to join them for a dungeon run, but it is usually when they do not have enough other masters available and need to get an achievement. When masters play WvW it is the slave’s responsibility to bring supplies.
Untouchables have the same rights as masters, but I never seen any “untouchable” playing with others or speaking in the chat. I have an impression they were ordered to be in this guild.
My friend was a slave, and I was a slave as well. As a new slave you would not get access to the guild bank for a month or two, but always welcome to contribute: even from “naughty corner”. Of course, no one is contributing anything useful to the guild bank. Very fast I found out why. When I put a bunch of “gold” weapons to the guild bank, they all were immediately removed from the guild bank by one of the masters. When slave asks for help or announces a dungeon run, you can be sure masters would not join. Another funny but indicative episode was when I asked the guild about a drop I never seen before. The guild leader told me one of the masters is collecting them. Later I found out the item is worth a few golds. It is expected that slaves would supply masters with free rare materials which masters use to create legendary weapons.
According to GW2 Wiki “exploits are errors in the game … that create opportunities for players to move outside the conventional means of gaining value (coin, experience, skills, etc.) or some other kind of notable advantage over other players or regular gameplay mechanics and challenges”. From my story below you will see how guilds in GW2 could in fact be used as exploits.
I was invited to the guild by a friend, and it was not my main guild. But as soon as GW2 allows you to be a part of many guilds I did not see any harm to be a part of my friend’s guild when I am playing with him. The guild has about 150 players, only 30-40 are active during a day. The guild has a website. The most amazing pages on the site are “guild member rules”. They all are “prohibitory”. You are not allowed that and this, but very soon I learned that these rules are not for everyone.
When I joined the guild, neither guild leader nor officers noticed that. Obviously, they are too busy to welcome a newcomer, especially when people come and go every day. Later I found out why. The guild implemented a monitoring system, where the guild leader and officers (or other players) would watch every member’s activity. If you do anything inappropriate in officer’s site, for instance, temporarily represent other guild, you get a ticket called “strike”. 3 strikes and you are automatically out of the guild (though they would not bother informing you about the strikes, as they are too busy). The guild has also implemented a method to humiliate members for their “mistakes”. The guild leader or officers would move you to a group called “naughty corner” (opposite to the “naughty corner” the guild leader calls himself “fearless leader”). You would have to contact the person who put you to the “naughty corner”. Then that person would explain your terrible mistake: being in WvW area on other server is considered “spying”.