Showing Highly Rated Posts By Lance.5892:

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


The only problem with this is that there is only a couple areas I can think of where a counter treb cannot be countered, but that is a separate issue altogether.

Other than that, why can’t the attackers counter the counter treb then?

But then it is just treb warring back and forth and no more fighting and not everyone can be on the trebs at the same time so it becomes boring. This is not a solution.

In terms of realism, this is proper. Siege in real life can take months before any progress is made.

In terms of battle and WvW itself, keeps/towers aren’t the only objectives available. You’ll still see large scale battles, just not necessarily at keeps/towers (at “worst” case scenario). In other words, you still get what you want.

Don’t bring realism into this, that’s stupid. If it were realistic then my shield of absorption would stop all arrows because arrows are projectiles. Mesmer feedback would destroy anything that Arrowcarts can do. I would like that.

flame rams also wouldnt die in 40 seconds to an arrow cart!


New Patch; Meme Thread

in Community Creations

Posted by: Lance.5892


if you want to see more, theyre on the votf homepage!


Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


excellent update, anything that causes problems for mindless farming zergs has to be good

mindless farming zergs?

If this is apparently mindless, the entire hardcore team pvp community is about to leave the game.


Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


Worst WvW Patch ever. Rams are now useless. And every other form of siege as well, because you can’t block shots from mortars or trebuchets any more.
And the only way to win a siege is now if you have the higher position for your trebuchets, otherwise there ist now way to win. Only one Trebuchet for defense you don’t instantly see, because its behind a wall and all your catapults are completly useless.
Great Job Anet

thank you! this post!

EVEN if you enjoy siege wars, without the ability to block treb shots, even the siege game has become one faceted and boring


Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


We open up keeps and towers to get to the people inside, not for any other reason.

The fact that this point has to be reiterated time and time again is probably the most disappointing part about this thread. It’s funny how the zerg-busting guilds are getting lumped in with the mythical karma train zergs simply because they disagree with this patch and see all its implications.

I hope you do understand that a game mode including towers, keeps, siege weapons, supply camps and supply lines, and whose score is computed on structures owned and not on total kills was never intended to be played as a bigger deathmatch arena.


World vs. World (WvW) is PvP combat that involves hundred of players. Three huge teams —each representing a server, or world—battle for control over objectives on four massive maps in week-long matches.
Each map – one for each server and a huge “neutral” center map – is loaded with objectives that are worth points for the team that claims them. Players can band together to lay siege to castles, raid enemy supply caravans, clash with other players in truly massive battles, wreak havoc behind enemy lines, or build mighty weapons of war like trebuchets and siege golems.
While players are in WvW, they gain experience and loot just as they normally do while exploring Tyria. Plus, when their home world is doing well or wins a match in WvW, all players on that world receive special bonuses and perks.
World vs. World—it’s PvP combat on an epic scale!




Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


I run a 30 man organized guild, and tonight we decided to just log off.

We hit Hills, the enemy flooded hills with nothing but carts/superior carts. The increased range and damage, they were hitting us from the inner gate waaaaaaay on the outter. We could not get out of it, and the insane damage on top of that, absolutely ridiculous.

I will be looking for a new game in the mean time to possibly enjoy with my guild. kitten this.

some of my guildies created and compiled some memes about hills and the trying to take a sieged up hills =p we posted it in public so others can see and have a good laugh with us!


Please help PvP guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


I found:

Velocity [VcY] vs Nugos [Nug]:

War Legends [WL] vs Za Drots [ZDs]: (Full Raw Footage)

The Rise [Rise] vs Golden Horde [GH]:

[Unit] vs [HuP]:

Za Drots [ZDs] vs Seven Instincts [siN]: (Pre-Culling removal)

A good 15- 20 minutes of youtube searching =P

Theres plenty of other videos out there that I haven’t mentioned.
Just wanted to give a picture of the amounts of guilds that enjoy it!


Food for thought for ArenaNet

in PvP

Posted by: Lance.5892


but guise i want #pvesports


the hope is that Guild Halls will give a place to tdm gvg 15v15/20v20


(edited by Lance.5892)

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


Absolutely terrible changes to arrowcarts Anet. You should be working on minimalizing arrowcarts and maximizing PvP encounters. Arrowcarts encourage turtling and that is bad.

This is World vs World, not PvP
It you want to PvP, there is sPvP.

Stop complaining because people want to play WvW as it was intended.

weird, strange what ANET says about WVW:

World vs. World (WvW) is PvP combat that involves hundred of players. Three huge teams —each representing a server, or world—battle for control over objectives on four massive maps in week-long matches.
Each map – one for each server and a huge “neutral” center map – is loaded with objectives that are worth points for the team that claims them. Players can band together to lay siege to castles, raid enemy supply caravans, clash with other players in truly massive battles, wreak havoc behind enemy lines, or build mighty weapons of war like trebuchets and siege golems.
While players are in WvW, they gain experience and loot just as they normally do while exploring Tyria. Plus, when their home world is doing well or wins a match in WvW, all players on that world receive special bonuses and perks.
World vs. World—it’s PvP combat on an epic scale!


Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


so you are saying that it makes logical sense that you can kill a ram with an arrowcart in less than a minute? seems logical

Use catas or trebs. If you manage to kill all the defending siege, use rams.

so you want this game to be a game of who builds the first treb? with no swirls now, whoever gets a treb up first wins! or whoever builds the most trebs wins! thats great fun isn’t it?

Let me give you the 2 scenarios


Builds trebs without defenders seeing them. Trebs down all counter siege, trebs down wall, continues firing poison cows and treb shots to poison and knockdown all defenders, takes keep.


Builds trebs or already has trebs up in spots where they cant be counter trebbed. Destroys all offensive trebs, no need to kill anybody, sits in tower or keep doing absolutely nothing.

The bottom line is: this game has a beautiful team combat system that allows people to work with other people to fight other people, and it’s actually pretty fun and induces quite a bit of adrenaline. Without a proper zone to have gvg (25 v 25), the only place to do it is in WvW. And with FIGHTING over keeps and towers being nerfed, you are no longer able to force engagements. Instead everyone can just sit in their tower and keeps doing nothing for hours until they quit the game to do something better with their lives.


Zerg v Zergs are all the same

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


i think you need to do at least 1 or more of the following

1) get on your server’s VoIP
2) find a guild to join, or leave and find a new one
3) if none of the above 2, find a different commander to follow
4) youtube search any guild wars 2 gvgs

theres actually alot more going on than you think, and if all you are seeing is 2 sides of millions of pugs derping, and standing around you are doing something wrong and have not seen enough of the game.

and here’s my shameless plug to help you find a decent gvg:


4 months in, Arrow Cart Mastery has split WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


This OP speaks the truth.

Thank you


Entire team crashed in (s)PvP [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lance.5892


Exactly as title describes. Happened to me many times now. Random individual disconnects are usual due to peoples internet, however when the entire team or 4/5 of your team disconnects at the same time it is not us.

Please fix



Augury Rock Vs Baruch Bay Vs Piken Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lance.5892


breaking up our open field/gvg tier =(


Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


i guess i’ll have to build 14 superior arrowcarts and defend hills from all the newbs with 15 guys to get them to understand.
My guild could already hold a t1 non upgraded keep without siege with 25 people.
Add 80% buff on arrowcarts, you’ll never get in the lord room.

Maybe if the attackers don’t know what a treb is.

oh really? you do realize that hills has positions that CANNOT BE COUNTER TREBBED from outside? there are so many places in hills to place siege that siege cannot be taken out. If you ever lose hills now, you are a bad server.


Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


Arrowcarts were so good before we actually considered using them in skirmish combat. And now… woaw.

How are you going to take hills? Arrowcards all around on the walls. So can’t be catapulted. So we are now sitting here fighting against hills which we cannot get into 3000 range of. So now we sit here forced to treb. Maybe we even have to starve 1000 supplies out if it is tier 3. So…. Three somewhat reasonable places can be treb hills. All of them can be countertrebbed, and countertrebbing cannot be outskilled. So we are now in trebwars2. Finding ourselves spending hours trying to kill each other’s trebs since anything near the walls are a killingfield. Also think about inner bay… inner garrison… Not possible to build catapults…. I am… I don’t… what a bored piece of….

Nevermind Neverwinter got released tonight. I guess the best message to send to Anet is to stop playing, cu around!

What did you expect?

Siegenoun, the act or process of surrounding and attacking a fortified place in such a way as to isolate it from help and supplies, for the purpose of lessening the resistance of the defenders and thereby making capture possible.

bore·dom [bawr-duhm, bohr-] Show IPA
the state of being bored; tedium; ennui.

game1 [geym] Show IPA noun, adjective, gam·er, gam·est, verb, gamed, gam·ing.
an amusement or pastime: children’s games.
the material or equipment used in playing certain games: a store selling toys and games.
a competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators.
a single occasion of such an activity, or a definite portion of one: the final game of the season; a rubber of three games at bridge.
the number of points required to win a game.


Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


You people are really serious about this? Complaining because arrow carts stop karma trains? Seriously? What about those of us who legitimately enjoy the WvW experience in general and do not participate in your zergball karma trains? Where does that leave us?

I’ll tell you where. It leaves us solo defending our towers while our own server’s zerg is off “training” some other BL. Stuck with that feeling of dread an inevitability of death and failure when your 30-40 zerg comes knockin’ (for those of us who won’t flee or back down anyway). That’s gone now. Towers are actually defensible now. That inevitability is no more, and now you guys are complaining because your frothing zergmob is inconvenienced? Gimme a kittening break.

I know I’m likely facing infraction here, but if that’s the way you guys feel about it, you have no place in any WvW of mine. I was lighthearted and joking with my last post here, but the more I read the posts here, the more I say good riddance.

Agree with you. It seems like defending is a 4 letter word on these forums. It appears everyone has more fun going to an enemy BL, taking a tower, then moving on to the next one. Meanwhile the enemy follows you around capping the towers/keeps you just took …and left undefended. Rinse/repeat. Everyone is happy because they got their karma/xp.

Defending was a joke. You couldn’t stand on the walls or you got pulled off to your seath. Defenders literally laughed at you when you used ACs. There was zero point in defending. Now their is…and taking a tower/keep should actually mean something and be a little more difficult than taking a supply camp,

Or maybe you guys just haven’t bothered reading the real posts in the last several pages.

Also, why dont you try defending by fighting instead of hiding inside walls? It’s much more fun


Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


So the smart guys build a cata outside of ac range. They build a ballista and destroy the cata. The attackers build a treb, lol, the defenders build a counter treb, being that it takes far less hits to take down the treb with the counter treb than it does for the attacking treb to take down a wall (we are no longer able to block treb shots) the defenders win again. How again is anyone in a high tier going to take a tower/keep lol.

You don’t need to take down the walls, just the enemy ACs, THEN you plop down your rams.
And yes, they could rebuild more. That’s why supply-starving the enemy becomes (more) critical.

In other words, you can’t go and facerub down a structure anymore. You need to plan how you’re going to take it, using things like detaching a doliak sniping team to stop them from receiving more supplies while keeping YOUR supply flow intact so you can win the siege weapons’ arms race. This means you now need at least 3 separate fighting groups instead of the mono zerg. How is this a bad thing?

wait…you do realize theres spots you can put acs where you cant aoe them or dragons tooth right? and they can STILL hit the gate to kill ALL SIEGE HITTING THE GATE AND THE PEOPLE?


Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


Here’s the bottom line; in a siege, 5 people in a fully fortified keep with ample siege weaponry and supplies SHOULD have a better than 50-50 chance of holding off 15 or 20 people. Siege weaponry is what’s known as a force multiplier; five average people with pocket knives versus 15 people with machetes are in deep trouble. Put those same 5 average people behind a concrete wall and give them each a gattling gun (ac) and those 15 people with machetes SHOULD melt and die. That’s how it’s supposed to be.

so you are saying that it makes logical sense that you can kill a ram with an arrowcart in less than a minute? seems logical


Traps+Get More Out of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lance.5892


silly PvErs sighhhh, well I guess WvW is technically considered part of PvE

good bye pvp in wvw, it was fun while it lasted! Hopefully there will be a game that has a sweet combat system and a fresh step away from the holy trinity like this game had in a large scale pvp combat arena soon. Meanwhile, the fights shall be missed!
