(edited by Landscaper.1365)
Showing Highly Rated Posts By Landscaper.1365:
Going for a legendary is a serious commitment to a very serious gold sink. Even if they nerf the cost of a precursor weapon, you’re still looking at spending a pile of gold and time. My first but of advice to you is to plan your ‘attack’. Here’s my first piece of advice:
Open up your MS word, now copy the requirement (list) of your choice weapon found at: http://www.guildwars2guru.com/news/780-the-recipe-for-crafting-your-legendary-including-screenshots/
Now search the TP for the items/mats that you will need and enter the prices onto your ‘shopping list’. Now calculate the cost of gold you’ll need for each section, and then calculate your grand total.
Once you pick yourself up off of the floor, you can then determine what area you want to work on first. I personally did the clovers first.
Good luck, remember to take breaks and try to have fun!