Showing Posts For Laphroaigh.2931:

Game does not start after last patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Laphroaigh.2931


The launcher starts and I can login but when I click play the launcher closes and… nothing happens.

I ses the GW2.exe process running for like 1sec… then it simply disapear.

Help! ????

Tried repairing the client but did not help.

January 28 patch feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Laphroaigh.2931


As far as dailies go, I do think the ones that require like resurrecting people needs to be looked at a bit more. Maybe consider NPCs into the equation. It’s pretty rare to find a lot of people to res unless doing a boss fight, then there are plenty. But if everyone has the same daily, people are going to probably beeline for ressing people before anything else. Just something to consider.

FYI That’s already working on npcs. I did all the healer steps on npc corpses since they were added to the game… only need to find a nice pile of them and you are set.

[Clock Tower] Blatant Speedhackers

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Laphroaigh.2931


I just came out from a couple runs where a player that was never in the lobby would then appear anywhere during the run… I was certain to be the first, then I came by this chick in underwear cheering….. the next run, she was floating in the air, doing /sleep and saying that people sucked…. was really weird… I wondered if she was a dev or something (having devs saying to players that they suck is kind of insulting though…)… or someone who had found a way to hack the tower???

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Laphroaigh.2931


Thief lvl80
No boost (aside for traits don’t see how people could have boost since skills and signets are disabled)
Must have tried 100++times, did it 3 more times after the first success.

Very frustrating, yet fun at the same time ( remind me of those old school games where you had to escape the base before it blows up…).

Kuddos to the designer, I want more like that!!