Showing Posts For Lazarus Nex.6501:

[LDoA] Crystal Desert

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lazarus Nex.6501

Lazarus Nex.6501

Bumping Again. Because Front Page is best page.

[LDoA] Crystal Desert

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lazarus Nex.6501

Lazarus Nex.6501

And just going to bump this up to the top again because we’re growing and I want to spread the love.

[LDoA] Crystal Desert

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lazarus Nex.6501

Lazarus Nex.6501

We would love to have you thank you for your support!

[LDoA] Crystal Desert

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lazarus Nex.6501

Lazarus Nex.6501

Bumping again Because maybe some day I’ll need 3 Reserve slots and I also want to grow my community.

[LDoA] Crystal Desert

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lazarus Nex.6501

Lazarus Nex.6501

Bumping Because We Care Also Reserve I guess.

[LDoA] Crystal Desert

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lazarus Nex.6501

Lazarus Nex.6501

Will be working on Website if People show Interest.

[LDoA] Crystal Desert

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lazarus Nex.6501

Lazarus Nex.6501

Hello! Thank you for showing interest in CD’s [LDoA]. We are currently a VERY small Guild looking to expand. We have been around since Pre-Launch and were active Guild Wars 1 Players. Now looking to form a community of others who enjoy Both Guild Wars 1 and 2. We would like to be there to help people get things done in both games like Working towards GWAMM and our Name sake of LDoA in the Original Game and Fill out the Achievement Tab. We are now also going to be trying to make some headway in WvW.

About us:

Since Guild Wars 2 launched we have been around gaining influence and enjoying all aspects of the game. Currently with limited members (~5 Active members) we have raised our Guilds Upgrades to 3 Politics, 5 Art of War, 3 Economics, and 4 Architecture. We’re proud of what we’ve done alone but would love to branch into Guild Missions for the benefit of anyone who will join us. We have a TS and Forum on check us out there as well for a slightly more condensed overview.


-More than anything else we just want to Grow as a community, It’s something everyone who plays the Game should have, is a community of people you’ve met who like to do things together.

-We want to see Crystal Desert have more Strong WvW Guilds even if we can’t match the numbers of some of the others, having more Active Guilds is always a good thing!

-We want to have active Dungeon Parties, we all know The LFG Tool is nice but some things need more than a PUG. FoTM and all other Dungeons we would love to do them all.

-We want to work on PvP, forming parties and just having some competitive fun.

-Getting all of the Upgrades Maxed out would be wonderful.

-Having an Active Guild of people that want to just have fun and chat, meet like minded players and occasionally play Guild Wars 1.

-If we gain enough people, I personally would love to branch into Harder Content such as Teq or the Wurm seeing as I’ve recently started actively Commanding some open world content with the Marionette.

What we are looking for in Members:

If you are stilling reading thank you for giving us your time!

All we ask for in members are people who want to have conversation with the Guild, and Represent the Guild. New Player, Seasoned Veteran, Returning player, we welcome everyone as long as you want to be a part of a community and take part in some aspect of the game and our Goals. We aren’t asking for you to spend gold on influence, if you play the game and represent that’s all we ask. If you need to run dungeons let us know, if you want to Push WvW speak up! We want to be there for you as long as you are there for us.

Contacting Us:

If you have any interest or questions feel free to post or Message me in game or send mail, whatever you like and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Sent Questions to Any of the Following:

Lazarus Nex.6501 (Founder)

(edited by Lazarus Nex.6501)

Marjory's Weapons and DS

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lazarus Nex.6501

Lazarus Nex.6501

I’ve certainly never been disappointed with them, and the second I saw these ones I knew my Necro needed them.

Marjory's Weapons and DS

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lazarus Nex.6501

Lazarus Nex.6501

I know legendary’s do that, I was just surprised something so easy to obtain would have the same effect. (Not complaining though it looks really fitting for Necro.)

Marjory's Weapons and DS

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lazarus Nex.6501

Lazarus Nex.6501

I don’t know maybe I’m having a graphical bug but it seems they replace DS 1 as projectiles can anyone else confirm? Hope it’s supposed to be this way because it’s pretty awesome watching the Axe tumble and the dagger seems to dart.

(edited by Lazarus Nex.6501)

New POI in Divinity's Reach - inaccessible?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lazarus Nex.6501

Lazarus Nex.6501

I can confirm that it is 100% inaccessible. I managed to get on the building for roughly 1/2 a second then I was relocated to in front of the Barred door. I can assume that the bug is more that the POI was added already it’s probably for upcoming content. They didn’t remove the Achievement list ((DELETE ME!)) so I’m guessing they just forgot to remove the tag for now.

Eastern Commons POI

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lazarus Nex.6501

Lazarus Nex.6501

I managed to get on top of the building with the Experimental Teleportation Gun, the Game Relocated me in front of the barred door. Just to save anyone the trouble of trying to do the same, I did not get the POI.