Showing Posts For Lazy Eye.4896:

Fix "artificial" difficulty, increase rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lazy Eye.4896

Lazy Eye.4896

I agree somewhat, but honestly I could deal with the hp pools so long as their was adequate rewards as almost everybody states. Coming from the side of a player, it does feel boring, but at the same time if you look at the bigger picture from a developer’s perspective it makes sense as was previously stated the longer the fights get dragged out the more consistent you have to be.

The idea of mixing in different templates I think was actually implemented in Diablo 3 with their elite packs. They have certain skills/properties(increased speed,reflect damage, etc) that elites could have on top of the increased attack/def/health pools. In that game it too after a while seemed repetitive(but there’s also much less content there), but you face a lot more elite packs din Diablo 3 than you would be able to fight dungeon bosses in GW2 so it may work better in this game.

Underwater Reset

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lazy Eye.4896

Lazy Eye.4896

Happens to me a lot too. It’s not necessarily because of him moving too far as I’ve stood next to their spawn spot and fought them there purposefully many times to see if it was me straying too far.

I think it has something to do with it being screwy with the z-axis being more prominent in the water or something, because it’s happened on land too, but very rarely.