Showing Posts For Lee.3097:

Raids = good, Timers = bad

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lee.3097


Anet said that will make a way the game not be just meta Zerk. Time = more Zerks = More Boring = play with a bad immersion = there is go the list of bad things.
If the problem is the reward just make the reward tied with the number of wipes and not like it is now.

Latency Tuning Experiments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lee.3097


Ok! A test !? At this time when HoT is near !? When new players need experiment the game and veteran players need to ensure your investment in the update !? Are you serious !? This look more a ridiculous mistake with your customers. This can slow down a lot the HoT sales and generate doubts with the buyers. I usually play normal this game and now is barely playable. I was having 150-180 max ping now I have to play starting at 220 to 1.5k!!!. Test!? Rollback and go test this in a controlled ambient away from customers.

2 changes you'd like to see in the future

in Ranger

Posted by: Lee.3097


1) Ranger skills not involve the pet.
2) A button that can be used out of combat that stow pet and turn the pet skill bar into a boost skill bar (drops with our hits and refill gradually) for ranger that like be ranger and not a beastmaster.

(edited by Lee.3097)

Ranger Pets with Status Selection Menu

in Ranger

Posted by: Lee.3097


Many Ranger like their pets because of the style/looks, so I thought Anet should create a menu to choose the status that you want for each pet.
i.e: If your bird have a status of a bear it will do the same damage of a bear (low) and have more hp instead. Now if your bear have a status of a bird it will have less hp but do a lot of damage.
Its the option to give the players the ability to choose between different stats sets for the same pet.
Anet would have to fix the category of the status in the pet menu.
The pet skills can be maintained the same for each pet or it can change accordingly with the stats (Anet would have to see whats better to keep the balance).
Please remember this is just a suggestion. If you like it, lets make it happen.

Ranger Pets with Status Selection Menu

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lee.3097


Many Ranger like their pets because of the style/looks, so I thought Anet should create a menu to choose the status that you want for each pet.
i.e: If your bird have a status of a bear it will do the same damage of a bear (low) and have more hp instead. Now if your bear have a status of a bird it will have less hp but do a lot of damage.
Its the option to give the players the ability to choose between different stats sets for the same pet.
Anet would have to fix the category of the status in the pet menu.
The pet skills can be maintained the same for each pet or it can change accordingly with the stats (Anet would have to see whats better to keep the balance).

Please remember this is just a suggestion. If you like it, lets make it happen.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lee.3097


We know bots turn GW2 farm a hell for players. The updates have turned some items impossible to farm.

The craft quantities are amazing big, many require about 250 or even 30 in order to make your beloved gear (but they NEVER drop normally). Since its such a pain to world-farm the items, the best choice is to keep spamming dungeons and mega events for money and then just buy it on the TP. But that, honestly it is not fun, cause you end-up ignoring over 70% of the map locations being forced to be always stuck in the same world events/dragons/dungeons.

C’mon even after you finish the 100% map completion, its still way more pleasant to enjoy the world map locations, like hidden champions and unexplored jumping puzzles.

<<<Why not put some good drops like lodestones, and top craft materials in champions and jumping puzzles drops all along the world. The same mechanism Anet developed for mega events, a chest on the right side of the screen with one random good item.>>>

I know nothing about bots, but from what I’ve seen they do small mob kills and node farms. I’ve never seen a bot doing a champion kill or even a jumping puzzles.

I think this idea will help players that wanna explore more the world and don’t keep running always on the same thing, same spots, all the time. To occasionally run dungeons/wvw and mega events is amazing, but to just keep on spamming it every day gets bored and you just stop playing as much as you used to.

Tyria’s world is just so big, vast and detailed that always pleases to explore! It would be amazing to motivate players to spread out and keep the world alive (some areas are completely dead depending on the server you are on).

Thats just my opinion, and one small idea to use more what ANET have already created.

Now, what is yours?

(edited by Lee.3097)