Showing Posts For Lee Autumn.2041:

Gem Store Armor might not dye right

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lee Autumn.2041

Lee Autumn.2041

I have had the same problem. The worst part is as Lolicia pointed out you can preview the armor with dye at the Gem Store. While viewing it at the Gem Store the dye’s preview properly. Then when you equip the armor and try to dye it…it does not reflect the proper dye. I bought (2) sets of dye and armor…not happy.

Profane Armor (darker Dyes not working?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lee Autumn.2041

Lee Autumn.2041

Bump…what a waste of gems with it not taking dark dyes. I’ve even traded in gems to get black and midnight dye…both look brown…this needs to be fixed offer refunds.