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[Northern Shiverpeaks] Join Maritime Monsters

in Guilds

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


We are three players who have been playing together since launch. We are experienced in all aspects of the game except for SPvP. We are accepting anyone who will help grow our guild and achieve our end goal of doing guild missions. We have advanced farthest in architecture and economy with ranks 4 and 3 respectively.
PST in game if you have any questions or would like to join.

Did you enjoy finishing your personal story?

in Lore

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


I hated the personal story.
I have not encountered one memorable character besides Tybalt and he was mostly comedy. The action is tolerable because that seems to be the focus of the game. Forget lore or interesting story telling. That is non existent. The previous game had heaps of lore and subtle story telling that kept you interested and satisfied those that wanted to look beyond the story for lore. There is nothing in this story. Pure garbage. Not to mention the final battle with Zaitan was very disappointing. Again, epic, but the battle itself was horribly played out.

My suggestion to Anet is go back to the subtleties of Guild Wars. Stop trying to be a direct to DVD action movie.

PS. Trahearne can suck a fatty.
Edit: Forgot to mention that the plot will inevitably revolve around killing all the elemental dragons. Seriously. Death, Fire, Earth, Water, Ice and likely, plant (life). This sounds just like something I wrote when i was five years old. It only lacks the story arc where we all have to go steal the ice crystal from the ice dragon to kill the fire dragon and take the fire crystal from the fire dragon to kill the ice dragon. Simply kitsch.

(edited by Leetfreek.2163)

Increase the speed of the Miniatures

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


I agree. Mini pets are suppose to show off a little of your personal interest or style. Also, they can be considered a sort of companionship. None of this is effect if the pet is 500 yards behind you constantly. They should be able to keep pace with your character. Maybe even be a little bigger.

Finding Lore

in Lore

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


The underwater one is the fifth Elder Dragon, known since the ED were known, which came from a GW2 promotion way back in 2007. Since then, there have been interviews, blog posts, and a few NPC dialogues hinting at something powerful pushing aquatic races out of the Unending Ocean.

The sixth was found out by NPCs in the Durmand Priory building. Though you have to be a member of the Priory in the storyline to get such comments.

The thing is, I am questioning whether this is the right way to go or not. Why would someone decide to just release bits of future story that have no bearing on current events? One potential argument is that it adds a sense of foreboding or tension to the world. I would counter that by saying that no one but lore fanatics would care and what kind of lore fanatic just wants to be told the story? Why wouldn’t you want to find it on your own and keep it all immersed?

In-Game Lore Sources (Priory)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


Another crazy thought I just had. There are obviously multiple languages in Tyria, when you look back on ancient civilizations. I think it would be cool to have to search the world for these carvings, or manuscripts and such. After you find these and transcribe them (assuming it’s a carving that you can’t move or something similar) you can then take it back to the priory and translate it yourself, or take it to an expert in the field and have them translate it for you.

This would give something for the many players who absolutely love the languages in Tyria and give them more reason to learn how they work, and it would also give a side option for those just looking to gain achievements by bringing them to others to be translated.

While I personally think that transcription is a bit too far-fetched (logistically), your original idea I very much agree with. Collection is something that a lot of players are attracted to, despite the play style they orbit around. Add in rewards or bonuses and you have a whole new branch of gameplay. 100 points for you. Hope the devs are taking notes here.

In-Game Lore Sources (Priory)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


I so agree. There have been many similar suggestions and I support this one as well.

This message was brought to you by a Kitten Who Role Plays

Thanks. It’s nice to see that there are still players who favor immersion in MMO’s just as much as vertical progression/pvp

Finding Lore

in Lore

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


New topic on Suggestions board about adding books/libraries/lore sources.

In-Game Lore Sources (Priory)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


As has become part of the conversation in my other topic on the Lore board, I feel that an in-game source of lore/research would be nice for players who want to remain immersed in the game without having to look up information on the wiki that your character had no experience with or no way of knowing. Similar to the Elder Scrolls, granted in a much smaller scale, we could have books in the priory/public libraries that explain the general events/lore of the GW universe. Personal stories of characters are for the most part irrelevant. Aside from obvious ones such as Palawa Joko or Shiro Tagachi or Mhenlo, so on. I know it might seem like a waste of resource to put into the game but I for one would very much enjoy this feature and I imagine the RP community may enjoy it as well.

Any comments or additions are welcome

Topic on Lore board:

Finding Lore

in Lore

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


To sum up the Elder Scrolls comment, I should mention that there was never a point in my years of playing TES when I felt I needed to go look something up on the wiki. I very much enjoyed the idea that I had a subject in my mind that I wanted to know more about, so I would keep my eyes open for a sage or someone with knowledge. Even so far as to seek our libraries and mage colleges for books on the subject. I feel that The Durmand Priory, by its very definition, is the tool that should have been used to convey knowledge in the game instead of dolling it out to the masses in Q&A’s.

Finding Lore

in Lore

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


I just want to clear up, the sixth supposed dragon is a nature themed one, not aquatic. The aquatic one is ‘known’, in that the quaggan/largos talk about it sometimes. But the clues for the nature dragon are mainly from the Infinity Coil in Mount Maelstrom.
Like Danikat said, finding lore in game sometimes is more of observing surroundings and inferring, rather than having stuff outright explained. For the 6th dragon, you can look at Infinty coil, notice there are six ‘zones’, and that 5 of them relate to the five dragons (there’s a red zone with destroyers, black zone with risen, etc). The sixth is green, and only has a skill point, and inside the CoE dungeon there are some TA mobs running around, amongst other dragon minions.
So it’s much more subtle than I think you are looking for

Well, to be honest, I’ve not been to Infinity Coil. I haven’t completed all the zones yet. I know it seems like it’s too soon for me to comment but thus far, GW2 lacks the mystique of GW1. Where GW1 presented questions with a reality that none of them get answered immediately, GW2 presents next to no questions and no intrigue. What I meant by the example of the dragon is that we should not be told by Anet that there is anything but what we have seen thus far. We should have the clues and we should be left to ponder on our own.

Finding Lore

in Lore

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


Why is it upsetting?

They can’t put every single piece of lore (even the stuff they want us to know) into random conversations in-game. They could go the Elder Scrolls route and put a lot more readable books into the game and make them a lot longer (which I’d like but I’m not sure how many people would read them), but other than that the only really practical route is to cover it outside of the game.

Practical but it takes me out of the fantasy. I’m no RPer but I hate knowing more about current events than my character rightfully should. I love that moment when I consider what my character has experienced and extrapolate that by myself and come up with some theory. Also, for the sake of argument, Elder Scrolls has a much more immense and elaborate universe than Guild Wars. I personally would also love some books to read. I was incredibly disappointed by the books I found in the Durmand Priory. If you consider the amount of lore there is in GW that isn’t character specific, there doesn’t seem to be a MOMENTOUS amount of lore that could be written. I don’t think it would be a huge task but there would certainly be little pay off for Anet in terms of who would use that resource. I might make a post on Suggestions about it later, though. Thanks for that.

Finding Lore

in Lore

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


That I think did come entirely from developer interviews.

Although the hints are there – something drove the krait, quaggan etc. from the deep sea, and it’s recently driven the karka out too so we know it has to be something extremely powerful. With dragons besieging every other area of Tyria it’s not hard to guess what that something might be.

Alright. Well. That’s upsetting. But thank you for the answer

Finding Lore

in Lore

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


Some of it does come from external sources. But you can also learn a lot by combining different scraps of lore found in-game which on their own don’t tell you much.

I’ve also found you can usually learn more by listening to conversations NPCs have on their own than by speaking to them. They often discuss events in the world, both past and present and reveal things you might not know in the process.

Well, for example, how does every know
[Spoiler]About the dragons.There is a sixth dragon, potentially underwater?
I’ve read that it was mentioned in interviews or Q&A’s. But for example, is it possible to find that in game? or anything really relevant besides “We use watersheds.”

Finding Lore

in Lore

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


I’m a huge fan of the lore in GW1. Thus far I’ve been disappointed by the word presented in GW2 but I feel like a lot of people are finding lore that I am not. I talk to a lot of NPCs and investigate objects I see but most of the text I find is about the most mundane pedestrian stuff. My question is, am I missing something? Or is everyone getting the interesting lore from external sources? i.e Wiki or mod responses.

Armor skins without a coat tail/kilt/skirt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


I agree, a lot of this game armor are like this (I would dare to say 80-90%) and really isn’t of everybodys taste or liking. At least for me, I would prefer something short for the chest and some pants or whatever for the legs. But not that the chest covers both chest and legs….

Yeah, I was really excited when I realised it features actual rendered armor as opposed to the MS paint armor from WoW. But the styles are so boring and “real”. I’ve been watching my friends heavy armor as he levels and it’s sooo disappointing to see how little epicness there is to be had. Please work on this, Anet.

Armor skins without a coat tail/kilt/skirt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


Being a thief, most of my chest armor has long tails and kilts and the like. I’ve seen the same on heavy armor classes. Why is there such a obsession with tails in this game? I feel like there is a very disproportionate amount of chest pieces that do this. As a thief, I want a much sleeker look and feel to my armor, I don’t want my coat flapping in the wind. I mean, I know fantasy games have started to go into that more industrial revolution theme by that’s no excuse for a lack of variety in terms of clothing. It’s still fantasy.

Artistically subpar compared to Guild Wars 1?

in Lore

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163



At this point, I would only compare GW2 with GW1 Vanilla, considering how long it’s been out. Factions and Nightfall did add varying human cultures but that was the theme of GW1 expansions. Make a story for the Africans. Make a story for the Asians. While I admit that there is definitely a lack of human diversity, I feel that there is a general lack of interesting lore and storytelling. Despite the uniqueness of Zhaitan and the elder dragons, it’s still a fantasy story about dragons.

Sure, a fantasy story about a Lich wreaking havoc isn’t much to scream about but it’s everything that’s going on in the background. Most of what was going on in GW1 was unexplained at the tie and was quite captivating for it. At time of release it was “Where did this Flameseeker Prophecy come from?” “Why is Glint so important?”.

GW2 has its share of questions but I don’t feel terribly captivated by what’s going on. Of course I want to see it because it’s continuity but, nothing has me searching every inch of a library for some kind of lore I didn’t know about. Especially since the only in-game “books” I’ve found are just references to GW1 and easter eggs.

I also don’t know the end of story quests (No spoilers please) but, maybe things will start to kick off when the dragons are dead/dying.

Artistically subpar compared to Guild Wars 1?

in Lore

Posted by: Leetfreek.2163


I’ll admit that when I played Guild Wars 1, it was enormously hard for me to get into it because of its mechanics and the feels of combat and the difficulty. I did not flourish at all. It literally took me from release up until the announcement of GW2 to catch up with the content. At first, it was the lore that intrigued me. It was the gorgeous artistry that the terrain and character designs were birthed from. I kept coming back with renewed vigour to see more of it. Then, after spending real time with it, I fell in love with the lore and the narrative. I post this is Lore because I feel that lore and art go hand in hand. Also, that I feel that the art in GW2 is less than what I have come to expect from GW1 or even the beautiful concept art book.

Of course, the are areas which have been clearly crafted with love. Major cities for example. Keeping in mind that I have not yet made it to Orr, I have found myself thinking how dull the zones have been. The natural world look beautiful but it is lacking in variety. Even the natural zones in GW1 had more memorable qualities. Like the cliffs overlooking Sorrow’s Furnace, the huge field in western Dalada Uplands or the structures in the lakes and oceans of Kryta. Not to mention the expansions.

I know it’s still early on and I haven’t experienced it all yet, but so far I’ve felt that GW2 has been lacking in the lore that made GW1 great for me. And I believed it stems from a humdrum artistic representation. Has anyone felt the same at all?