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WvW improvements list

in WvW

Posted by: Leghyker.1530


1. Modify player transfer system to 1 week of WvW prohibition following transfer.
2. Messer portal to 5 players or group OR AOE number of hits increased significantly
3. Res to out of combat only
4. Double or triple NPC’s at camps
5. Yak’s toughness should be tripled or given righteous indignation
6. Significantly increase rare loot drop rate for Player Kill
7. Reduce Treb range to eliminate safe trebbing of walls
8. Double Seige weapon damage.

We Need Therapy
If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Leghyker.1530


It isn’t the dogs in the fight, it’s the fight in the dogs! Sick’em!

We Need Therapy
If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Leghyker.1530


I have no complaints about Kaineng who fought hard and organized themselves and built a server that’s better than mine. Props to you guys.

“better” is definitely not accurate imo. Higher population, yeah, I’ll buy that, but better? Nah. I’ve seen some amazing play, large and small scale, from each server in our matchup this week. GoM’s defense of the supply camp close to their spawn in Kain BL was awesome – the ambushes and fighting there was great. And HoD’s run on their BL last night was nothing short of epic. The score doesn’t reflect that, but to be honest, we’re all T7 here – who cares about score? I didn’t care about the score when we were last, and I care about score even less now. I’m in this game to have a good time.

I must admit our defense of our land was truly stuff of legends. Most of my fellow Hounds of the Devil didn’t cower in fear. They kept the faith! And in the end that’s all you can ask for!

We Need Therapy
If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking!

Busting the Myth of Useless Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Leghyker.1530


Pets are useless in WvW and pretty much worthless everywhere else as well.


lol.. hold on… lol

lol.. hold on… lolOh man, that is classic

lol.. hold on… lolOh man, that is classicWatch my bird pet blow you up, or my cat rip you a new one..

lol.. hold on… lolOh man, that is classicWatch my bird pet blow you up, or my cat rip you a new one..Sorry not all of us zerg surf and send the pet into aoe messes

Let me add:
Roll On The Floor Laughing My kitten Off. Har Har Har, pets are useless in WvW?

Would you mind letting me farm badges from your dead kitten

We Need Therapy
If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Leghyker.1530


So here I was watching Seattle vs. Washington on the idiot box. I couldn’t help from noticing that Seattle had over 1300 players on their sideline. I wonder if they transferred in last week?

The position of " transfers happen deal with it" seems to fly in the face sanity.

However, it is the system that is in place. Regrettably we have to deal with it.

We Need Therapy
If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Leghyker.1530


If the point is to have epic battles by large number of players, at what point does the neighbor kid that you ganged up on, no longer comes out to play?

Not much fun for either side if there is no longer a battle to be had.

This isn’t meant to be a snipe or complaint. After all, I have had a great time killing the tourists. However, this will lead to the “whats the use” syndrome by the losing teams, IMHO.

We Need Therapy
If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Leghyker.1530


At least we won’t have a shortage of camps to capture! Makes for a nice karma train.

We Need Therapy
If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking!

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: Leghyker.1530


HOD here, I must say this Kaineng bum rush is great for badges! Its awesome to farm the tourists they drag along.

We Need Therapy
If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking!

Same guild playing two teams

in WvW

Posted by: Leghyker.1530


Should it be allowed to have one guild playing two different teams in WvW? A guild is playing both Sorrow’s Furnace and Henge of Denravi teams? Today, they were observed attacking together for honor badges. Seems to me this will lead to cross team squads just farming the zone for badges.

Just saying

We Need Therapy
If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking!