Showing Posts For Leman Russ.5143:

5 man team glitching into a T3 Jerri

in WvW

Posted by: Leman Russ.5143

Leman Russ.5143

Looks like theres someone from Good old Days [GD] amongst the cheaters? Maybe talk to their guild leader

still mad that elona won against riverside? xD

Elona reach/Piken square/Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leman Russ.5143

Leman Russ.5143

berserker stance and endure pain… nuff said

Elona reach/Piken square/Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leman Russ.5143

Leman Russ.5143

Haha have to applaud the 3 SPRT that tried to kill a lone Mesmer some 10 mins ago north of Bluebriar/ER border… and failed. Group builds are not good at killing stuff. When 4 more Pikens came the poor SPRT never stood a chance. Well I guess trying counts for something :p

I can make video where SPRT made GD+pug blob run away after they losed 10ppl in first milliseconds of fight

and still you were 10-20 more, right?

Piken/SFR/Elona (LAGFEST #2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leman Russ.5143

Leman Russ.5143

Apparently the oh-so-professional Piken guilds cannot handle defeats in GvG and choose to run under fake guild names whenever they face a real challange.

Is this daily business on that server?

I am a little confused about this.. Which guilds? Also, are you sure you didn’t misread the guild tag or something as there are many, many guilds on Piken who run in WvW.

Ask Noobfilter. The guild seems pretty versed in GvG 20v20. Wonder why I haven’t seen them on the battlefield yet

my question is why ZD´s rejected the challenge from MYA, but accepted the gvg against noobfilters?

Piken/SFR/Elona (LAGFEST #2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leman Russ.5143

Leman Russ.5143

It’s kind of obvious when the whole map is Green and only active Realm is Elona that the guilds search their fights, but you know base has more than one exit? and i’m not complaining about numbers, had good fights against GD.

we also had at the end some good fights, but other CoN guys are far away from any reality.

Nice Skilllag blobs sfr and piken

<3 your baggys <3

it’s not like you guys need to do anything else than run in and press 1 anyway so I’m not seeing where the problem is

Apparently thats enough for you to run away, hide behind walls and build arrow carts on top of it, blob up with other guild groups to fight 20-25 people. For quite some time we thought we were fighting Vizunah.

Oh c’mon, we were 24 guys vs your megablob together with news, and still you lose

thats what I mean… btw same for u, pls take some screenshots out of the stream, I miss numbers above ingame models.
another valuable scene in yii’s stream: ~40:00
CoN run backwards waiting for KoA – after that we got whispers like that: “good old teleports”

GL HF all in this matchup, I was ill last week but at least [CoN] is open for GvG again this week


[GD] you seem upset…

Ingame answer, after a sparring request of us: “We play for points this week”
[CoN] you seem afraid

got it?

Why not directly a GvG?
GD, you seem afraid ;D

we are just afraid, that KoA is probably waiting behind the windmill

Piken/SFR/Elona (LAGFEST #2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leman Russ.5143

Leman Russ.5143

whats up with ER? only big pug blobs around no guilds?

xD dont care if you are on piken or sfr… just watch your server blobbing with guilds…

Elona Reach / Seafarer's Rest / Desolation

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leman Russ.5143

Leman Russ.5143

Honestly so much kitten again . How many people from Elona and Deso it takes to kill us in CON blobing us all monday night and the stupid lag and dc all the time.. I thought you want to fight us equally…
As for eb. You having fun there GD afraid to fight russians and us? I was killing time comanding the pugs there after most of regular comanders in Eb got discouraged by you having your pug zerg helping you in 90% of the time was hilarious. But yes truth is you are to good for hte pug zerg right now. Alot of kitten guild and transfers came again on our server we dont want them they just bandwagon like these noobs from gandara ONS a turkish guild with 20+ …

So officialy noone is recruiting guilds for sfr, we dont need you we have what we need. As for Vz we cant be kitten and we lack the night cap they have,we were leading nicely last week but holiday in france allowed them to have 300+ on maps 48 hours straight .. this happened with few night cappers we can take on them. But why should we bother system is bugged right now anyway.

are you jealous cause we can go on EB whenever we want to? =) i guess on sfr is always a long queue
kitten , i love these last weeks on elona… no queue and always some good oppenents

8/09 - FSP, Gandalf, Elona Reach

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leman Russ.5143

Leman Russ.5143

my biggest respect for fsp and gandara for last evening on EB
you never ran away and always fought till the end

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leman Russ.5143

Leman Russ.5143

i guess so, but i think some of them are trying to

Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leman Russ.5143

Leman Russ.5143

Nice blobs SFR nice blobs

It was a pleasure watching za drots beat the kitten out of your 40man “small guild groups”.

many other guilds from sfr would have changed the bl after 1 of those wipes
but we fight here to improve ourselves… so thanks for ALL fights

Vizunah / Jade Sea / SFR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leman Russ.5143

Leman Russ.5143

be careful vizu…sfr is blobbing :P

Seafarer's Rest / Riverside / Elona Reach

in Match-ups

Posted by: Leman Russ.5143

Leman Russ.5143

omegas…omegas everywhere