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I have my Ele and Thief. My Ele was the first one to get 100% seemed like a good prestigious thing to get and was fairly painless in the WvW area. Then my Thief… I ended up needing 1 fort in EB for atleast 2 months.
I eventually go so desperate I camped out at the fort and waited for some one to break the door down. Eventually it was under siege by the enemy and being my sly little self used my stealth to get in and out with not a scratch on me. I was quite pleased and finally got my 2nd star. But never again.
After a few months away from the game. (I took a break after they butchered the thief class by nerfing revealed) I come back and see all these wings on people. My first thought is meh. To be honest I think they would be so much better if they didn’t constantly flap around. Say you’re standing still then the wings should be folded up like what a bird would do. You don’t see them flapping when perched.
But don’t leave them completely motionless though. It looks like you’re wearing plastic wings that don’t move. It also would have been cool if they flap up when you jump. I’m very picky with cosmetics.
Just my two cents. =\
“All In Your Mind” I had gotten this game for my birthday which was 2-3 months after release. I was sitting at the creation screen stuck on choosing a name (As usual) and went with the most painfully fitting Mesmer name I could think of. I had a triple take when it was accepted. I would have thought it was an instantly reserved name for head start or what ever.
This is just my thoughts though. You should try all 3 out though since all of em are fun. Engi can be trolltastic, Thief is the nuke your radar didn’t detect, and Ranger is like running into a thorn bush… Slow and painful to fight against.
I think Ranger is the easiest to get into. Thief depending if you want burst(Easier) or bleed(Harder). Engi is really good with conditions and awsome as a tank too. Engi rifle is the ultimate rage tool. >:) send some poor soul flying every 8 seconds is just LOL.
I’ve had countless poeple rage quit in 1v1’s.
Commando ftw cant wait for this one.
I get the idea of a Thief with a rifle. :P Witch isn’t a bad idea since we need more rifle classes.
However I would absolutly love my Dervish back! I miss swinging around an awsome Scythe. Ritualist would be fun too, or hell even an actual healing class would be good. Been a healer since DAoC I feel so awkward. But we have tanks and dps… I want a healer! T.T
(Yes I know I’ll never get my healer)
Well it is easy telling downed Mesmers apart from thier clones. But I was just trying to point out that the clone should have a guild tag on right?
I’m not sure if this has been mentioned but I’ve noticed some Mesmer clones don’t show a guild tag properly at times. Some do some don’t, but I’m finding it’s more they don’t show then do putting a big bull’s eye on the real Mesmer most of the time. I don’t know how to recreate the bug but I have some Screen shots of what I’ve seen at times.
I looked through the bug thread but didn’t seem to find anything on this and no recent threads on this topic so I thought I would just throw this up here.
Rofl I didn’t know this was a popular topic. I did a search and didn’t seem to find any topics on this. As for other melee weapons maybe daggers? I do admit I wish we could have more options with weapon skills. I would kill to be able to customize them. I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to come up with some ideas from the first guild wars for new skills. Each class had atleast 100 to choose from.
Any one think this would be a good idea? I mean we can use it for off hand why not main hand? I think it would look pretty good shooting illusionary bullets. :P And more ranged options wouldn’t be a bad thing right? seeing as how Greatsword is the only good option (Aside from maybe staff)
I guess it’s just I hate how greatswords look on my character so I just want an option for a not sucky alternative.
That’s saddening then. Hope they fix these problems then.
I guess it’s not to big of a deal though. I just wanted to keep a touch of diversity. Speaking of witch Wtb more clothing options.
I would like to post one of my fiance’s screenshots. Apart from the cliff/lemmings thing most people here report, I think this is the dumbest thing I’ve seen on GW2, now or ever.
+1. I actually laughed at that.
I looked and it didn’t show up, I also remember being able to see it when I first made my character. Oddly enough it shows up on the character select screen.
After trying out the staff a bit more in Spvp I find it’s very good in 1v1 situations and amazing in group fights. However you just have to be smart and tricky with staff in 1 v 1’s. You would be surprised how easy it is to live by just standing in your own AOE’s.
The enemy is usualy “OOOoooOOOoo red circle must stay out!” and thus giving you breathing room. And Magnetic Aura Drools Nothing like reflecting a killshot back to a warrior. But if you’re going to use staff I recemend going full bunker. Sure it takes forever to kill poeple, but at the same time you take forever to die.
Hello everyone. I just wanted to pop on and ask a simple question. When ever I equip the level 1 starter head item we as Elementalist can choose from it doesn’t appear. (I’m lvl 80 and have it transmuted on an item as seen in my attachment.)
Is this a bug? I felt so sad when it didn’t work for me since it felt like a small character defining item. I just want poeple to know I love Air the most out of all the elements. :P
But I’m also unsure if it’s a similar issue with the other options.